DCUO population is bleeding off after EG7 announcement

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mᴏrph, Oct 20, 2023.

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  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Proof they said they would do 3 episodes every year. Or any dev saying that ep43-48 would be released specifically between 2022-2023
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You said that they pushed back episodes 45 to 2023 and episodes 48 to 2024. However ep48 was never announced. So yes. You said as much.
  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I never said any of this. LOL I never said they promised to do 3 episodes a year, that's been their standard rhythm since 2017.

    In almost any start of the year development update they announce releasing three episodes in addition to seasonals and other events for that year, they have delivered on that up until 2022. That's not something I have to prove because it happened right in front of your face.

    You need to get off of this imaginary "episode 48", it has literally nothing to do with any point I was trying to make. I never said they pushed back episode 48. I said they pushed back episode 47, which was announced at the beginning of this year and pushed back to 2024 obviously because 2023 is almost over.

    In fact I'll correct myself because it wasn't Episodes 45 and 47 that were the hiccup. Sins of Black Adam and Justice League Dark Cursed were announced to be Summer releases and they both got pushed back to October throwing off the announced Winter episodes for their respective years.

    Month-to-month content came to an end in 2016 and they finished that year with Episode 27: Amazon Fury III, a return to large episodes. Starting in 2017 their development plans revolved around a Spring, Summer and Fall/Winter release. They have been very faithful to this pattern of content releases and meeting our expectations up until last year.
    2017: Episode 28: Age of Justice | Episode 29: Riddled With Crime | Episode 30: Earth 3
    2018: Episode 31: Deluge | Episode 32: Teen Titans: Judas Contract | Episode 33: Atlantis
    2019: Episode 34: Justice League Dark | Episode 35: Metal Part I | Episode 36: Metal Part II
    2020: Episode 37: Birds of Prey | Episode 38: Wonderverse | Episode 39: Long Live the Legion
    2021: Episode 40: World of Flashpoint | Episode 41: House of Legends | Episode 42: Legion of Doom
    2022: Episode 43: Dark Knights | Episode 44: The Sins of Black Adam | Episode 45 announced but rescheduled for 2023
    2023: Episode 45: Shock to the System | Episode 46: Justice League Dark: Cursed | Episode 47 announced but rescheduled for 2024

    Did they promise us three episodes for 2022? No. That would be silly. No one here is saying they did.
    Did they announce three episodes for 2022? Yes because that was their goal for that year.
    Did we expect three episodes in 2022? Yes because that was in their plans that they announced.
    Did we receive three episodes in 2022? No. And that's fine because plans change. It's not a big deal.

    Did they promise us three episodes for 2023? No. Again that would be silly and no one here is saying they did.
    Did they announce three episodes for 2023? Yes because that was their goal for this year.
    Did we expect three episodes in 2023? Yes because that was in their plans that they announced.
    Did we receive three episodes in 2023? No. Plans change. We understand that. But...

    ...here was the point I was trying to make:

    This is the second year in a row they have had to change their plans and withhold new content. That in itself is not a reason to believe the game is shutting down but it is a reason for concern. Pair that with all of the other information we have: lack of quality content, loss of leadership roles, short staffing, no plans for new investment and profits are being funneled into other games. Some of us are not looking at DCUO in an optimistic light at the moment.

    So 2022 and 2023 were not good years for the development team. I think most of us can agree on that. So the question now is is this the start of a new pattern? Is this the start of some downward spiral? Is the game going to bounce back in 2024?

    No one knows but we are allowed to speculate because the game is not moving in what I would call a positive direction.
    • Like x 4
  4. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    It is soooooo odd that you ignore the point that some has said just to focus sooooooo much on something that they didn't (or you think they inplied).... just to avoid the point that they are trying to make... which is usually correct or, at the very least, a valid opinion.
  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Got it. So now u you pure presenting assumptions as facts.
  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    He said they pushed back 2 episodes. Which is factually incorrect. 45 pushed back to 2023 47 pushed back to 2024 (most likely). If he’s going to present 2 pushed back episodes as reasons why “the games dying”, then he could’ve at least be factually correct.
  7. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    So wait... I'm incorrect for saying they pushed back two episodes but you just admitted that they did push back two episodes? :confused:

    And I wasn't presenting those 2 delayed episodes as reasons why the game is dying, I literally said they were reasons for concern. You look at the words on the screen but still end up reading the wrong thing. If it's not autism are you just drunk?

    Yeah you're drunk. Where did I present assumptions as facts? Where in that entire post did I do that?
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  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    What 2 episodes were delayed? Or are you still counting episode 45 as 2?
    You: 43 44 45 45 46 47!! 6 episodes and we only got 4!!!
  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Put the bottle down and reread my post.

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  10. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Okay... Let's work through this.

    2022: Episode 43: Dark Knights | Episode 44: The Sins of Black Adam | Episode 45 announced but rescheduled for 2023
    2023: Episode 45: Shock to the System | Episode 46: Justice League Dark: Cursed | Episode 47 announced but rescheduled for 2024

    If 2022 was a perfect year... We would have had 3 episodes.... Agreed?

    If that happened... and 2023 was also a perfect year... We would have also had 3 episodes.... Agreed?

    That would have been 6 episodes.

    Neither year worked out as planned.... and as one delayed snowballed into another delay.... We have only 4 episodes.

    That is 2 episodes that we don't have.... or, to say another way: 2 episodes "pushed back"

    It's a cumulative 2 episodes....
    • Like x 1
  11. Shapeshifter New Player

    DCUO is a DEAD GAME, and this video shows that off perfectly. What you're looking at with this presentation is a WHALE EXPLOITATION BUSINESS MODEL. That's all that's left in DCUO. There are NO 'new players' coming to the game that are worth anything and they admit it in this video so...where you think they're getting the money to justify keeping DCUO servers on?WHALES. YOUR ARTIFACTS THAT'S WHERE. The WHOLE GAME revolves around the money being funneled into 'artifacts'. From Nth metal detectors to 'seals', the whole game comes down to how much money a player spends on those artifacts. Without that, the game dies and there's no reason to keep the servers going. That's why those artifacts are so strong and completely unbalanced, breaking the core gameplay of the game. Daybreak were the ones that did this, breaking the game so that they could stay afloat. Artifacts SHOULD have been LOCKED to ROLES, not open to everyone, and shouldn't have been that powerful. Most, if not all of them, should be toned to down to allow the powers of the players to be stronger, but because the game is so dead, they buffed the artifacts so that they're completely over powered to entice players to spend on DC. You can't play DCUO without dumping a few hundred dollars into to it, showing how dirty of a game it ALWAYS has been. The game should be dead by now, that's really the best thing for it. As it stands, right now, the game is a pay to win pile of s**t full of content that's way, way too grindy for no reason what so ever. Poor graphics and even worse gameplay, most of the moves don't even work. Taunts and de-taunting have been broken for YEARS, with content purposefully ignoring those mechanics to pretend something's difficult. No invisibility because they could never figure out how to properly balance it and gave up years ago so the game just pretends it doesn't exist. Defense being a switch that the developers turn off when they want to make something 'hard' instead of actually designing an interesting boss fight. That's everywhere since no one at Dimensional Ink knows how to design and build a proper interesting boss. The games junk and has been for the better part of a decade. If you weren't around when I was, back when the game first dropped after the Sony hack, then you never experienced the best DCUO had to offer. That was when it was the absolute peak. No artifacts, no allies, nothing else to mess with your power set, just your powers and gear and skills. That was pretty much the first year and that was when it had the highest player count. Also, that was the ONLY time PVP was being looked at and balanced. The only reason this game exists is to exploit WHALES out of their cash. That's the saddest thing in gaming. Let it die.
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  12. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    I don't want to "like" this video.... but, you're not wrong.

    But: Some of us have a hope that the game can be saved.
  13. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player



    How are you not understanding your own explanation?
  14. NerdofGames New Player

    And it never stops! There has only ever been a single moment where this game TRULY seemed like it was dead...and that was before Earth 3 had dropped. There were somewhere in the vicinity of 600 players on the game at that time. I should know, I was among them.

    If a game completely stops sending out updates, then and only then can it be considered "dead". Until that happens, life, whether on "support" or not, is still beating in the Heart of DCUO! PVP has definitely evaporated in the game and legends are hardly played, but DCUO PVE is very much afloat and not even a "sinking ship" yet. Let this be the finality on the rumored subject "DCUO is DEAD"
    • Like x 1
  15. Mᴏrph New Player

    I see the game lasting 2 more years max as it is now. So 2025 maybe the year of closing its doors.:p
  16. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    So you use your assumptions as facts too?

    If they would’ve have released 3 episodes in 2022 then the 3rd would’ve been at the every end of the year. Meaning the first episode of 2023 would’ve been mid year which would’ve made the 2nd episode of 2023 late in the year.

    You “well if they released 3 each year like I ASSUMED they would we would’ve had 6 instead of 4”. Well if they released 4 a year instead of 2 we would’ve been 4 episodes under. If they released 1 a year we would’ve been 2 over! Your shoulda woulda coulda doesn’t turn your assumptions to facts, as much as you’d like to pretend it does.

    Unless they specifically announce 6 episodes in 2022 to be released over the next 2 years then you do not known if 2 were pushed back or not.
    Because I’m not delusional in counting the same episode twice and presenting assumptions as facts.
  17. zNot Loyal Player

    10/10 said
    • Like x 3
  18. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Lol... No, it wasn't. It was never among most popular, or critically acclaimed MMOs. Most gamers never knew or cared about it. From the start it was designed by corporations to cash in on popularity of MMORPGs and comic book related media. It was - and still is - fun, but people pretending like this used to be some amazing top-tier MMO experience, full of rainbows and sunshine are either kidding themselves, blinded by nostalgia, or have only just grown up enough to understand, that Santa isn't real. Welcome to the real world.

    The game is what it is - take it or leave it. I spend no money on it other than subscription and I still enjoy it. I did take a long break and probably will again, because even the best game will get boring (which this never was). The worst thing about it are the players, who have been playing for too long, still have unrealistic expectations and act like they own the game. And even that is not as bad as it used to be since hardcore PvPers f-ed off. Take a break, do something else, grow up, don't live your life pretending to be a superhero - all this won't seem like such a big deal.

    Lol... Yeah - all those altruists who spend money just to support the game, NOT because they want the dumb shiny stuff they pay for... If you want to support something - there are charities. You shouldn't worry too much about corporations making enough money - they'll be fine.
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  19. Will-o' the Wisp New Player

    If the game is on life support, what's the point of them holding on too it?
  20. Lvl 30 New Player

    I give this game 2 years max of its life.
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