Dcuo Gross Monthly Revenue Eg7

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ObsidianChill, Sep 28, 2023.

  1. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Sounds like they are pretty concrete with just staying the course of mediocrity and bare bone efforts. They know their player base, they know what to push and when to do it and rehash with a new coat a paint and release and add somethings here and there that are new. They know that this game good, bad, indifferent and all of its shortcomings and still full of untapped potential, still has an allure that keeps us playing and griping, quitting and coming back at some point.

    I just hope that the new emote system is enough to keep up with EQ2 that was said to be around another 10 years. oh boy:rolleyes:
  2. Lucidex Active Player

    Or, we're actually in the good timeline and another more caring and less greedy company are waiting out there to buy the game and support it for 20 more years lol
  3. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Well I see where according to Wikipedia, Daybreak was sold for $300 million. I wonder what Dcuo's valuation is/was in that $300 million dollar purchase. So for other game studios and / or us potential massive lottery winners out there... hmmmmmmmmm
  4. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I can't even imagine what you think that would look like. Have you...seen gaming communities? It's like herding cats. "I want a game that makes my fingers bleed!" "I want a game with shiny hats!" "I want a game with physics based fur and appropriate jiggly parts!" "I want to punch God in the face!" "I want to play PvP until someone cries!"

    What would a "victory" condition even be?
  5. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

  6. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

    I know it wouldn't be perfect and is rare, but here is a link to the 5 best video game communities of 2022. https://www.gaming.net/5-best-video-game-communities-of-2022/
    5 Best Video Game Communities of 2022 - Gaming.net

    Now do I think DCUO could ever get on this type of list....extremely difficult unfortunately.
  7. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I like the positivity animal crossings community has but I feel it’s unfair to put that in the list since it’s really not multiplayer game, you except for visiting a friends island going fishing with them and just looking around with them there isn’t much to it … its essentially a “doll house” game
  8. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Oh Animal Crossing got its own bad apples too. People who visit towns, or now islands, and drop debug items like whole buildings that can't be picked up and crash the game. And more recently, if I'm not mistaken, a blackmarket for selling coveted villager NPCs.
  9. FlyingFingers Well-Known Player

    That is most likely how it will be, very accurate so therefore they will have sealed this games fate if this is the course they will take then pvp will remain dead and now we will continue to see the population up and down during new episode drops and long gaps.

    I know of other community's who are toxic if not more but this is is on that list to one reason why folks don't post on here is because anything of change that is brought up to benefit the players is always met with BS remarks and these same clowns are one the reasons this game is the way it is .
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  10. Owl Devoted Player

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  11. bboy-rei Well-Known Player

    There is so much room for improvement but to be honest, the main thing that keeps me and many others playing is the use of the DC IP. If it was some other IP I haven't been a lifelong fan of, I would've stopped long ago.
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  12. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    I strongly believe our last CEO is the reason the game is underperforming in revenue. it really shows he was a very bad decision for a CEO. he also took developers from this game to make his own superhero mmo, which put this game under even more. what did that do u ask, well it made it look like this game was completely done when he did that. his decisions weren't very good for the game, so yeah, I strongly believe he is the reason why there isn't as many people playing the game or putting money into it. He left the game in bad shape and to add insult to injury he took some of our developers. I have a group of people with me that knew what he was going to do to this game. he's the reason they stopped playing as soon as he was ceo they all bounced. Let's hope James Nance our new ceo will bring this game in a better direction with a much better revamp
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  13. myandria Item Storage

    This is an interesting presentation.

    Here is my take away/analysis of it:

    DCUO isn't going anywhere anytime soon. However, EG7 is going to finance the game at status quo, so I expect the usual 2 new content launches per year, weekly events and seasonal/annual events. What was interesting to hear is that EG7 considers DCUO Online a "casual" game, and gave reasons why; it has a player base that is not "sticky", meaning that players flow in and out of the game according to new content releases and seasonal/annual events. H1Z1 and Everquest have "sticky" players that consistently play those games and generate a stable revenue; this is part of the direction EG7 is moving in.

    Since Daybreak will be responsible for further developing H1Z1 and Everquest within EG7's time frame, there will be little and limited resources for DCUO and the other games under Daybreak. The games that EG7 will put more financial backing to have no major ties to any IP licensing like DCUO does. I think EG7 will wait until the company feels that investing in WB/DC's IP licensing isn't worth keeping DCUO Online viable.

    So, I think the dev's "may" need to post an updated present/future development thread, as I am sure that this change of direction of EG7 will change some of their plans and aspirations.
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  14. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Hiring him was a horrible decision. I mean, he was the CEO from Cryptic when they had Champions Online. Under his management, all original devs from CO were reassigned to Star Trek Online, CO was down from 18,000 players to 80-100, Cryptic went almost bankrupt and was sold to Atari then to Perfect World Entertainment. To add insult to injury, he introduced lockboxes and locked CO's unique flair - freeform characters - behind a paywall.

    What was Daybreak thinking when they hired that moron?
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  15. Plowed In Loyal Player

    I don’t know, Ji Ham joined in 2015…Jack joined in 2016…sounds more like they disagreed on the path forward once they joined EG7.

    There always tend to be shakeups when companies are acquired and this sounds more or less a change of direction. They’re pulling back on investing in their 3rd party stuff and concentrating focus on their own IPs, it’s a safer bet, and they’re looking pretty timid at taking on too much risk.

    Ji Ham and Jason Epstein…still here
    SJ left in 2021 and Jack in 2022…not sure of the other Daybreak games…
  16. tehDarkNite Well-Known Player

    oh well the game had to end someday...just play something else
  17. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Jacks making a super hero game ?

    Also the devs he took evidently liked his vision otherwise they woulda stayed …I don’t fault them for being loyal to the guy if they enjoyed working for him to the point of leaving a job to follow him. (Not saying you faulted them), but he didn’t really steal them they wouldn’t have left if they didn’t want to or didn’t enjoy working for him so he must be a good boss
  18. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Warhammer 40k MMO


    "Also the devs he took evidently liked his vision otherwise they woulda stayed"

    Chinese backed money $$$$
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  19. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I didn’t realize warhammer was a “superhero game” though. I knew they were working on that tho I just didn’t classify that as super hero lol so it made me wonder what else maybe.
  20. BumblingB I got better.

    They weren't setting that as the starting point because they wanted to, that's when they bought the company from the Russian Oligarchy er... Jason Epstein. Though, it was later that year, I think around Winter 2020? They were probably just counting that year in their own sales to the shareholders.

    I think the concept of "Maintenance Mode" means that the game is no longer being actively developed and they are just leaving the lights on so players can play until they shut the servers down. DCUO at least still has new content being actively made. It is depressing that they can't see that the game still a money source for them, license and all. I remember in many of the shareholders reports they were always saying DCUO was the biggest money source for the company.

    Really, though, it does paint a somewhat grim picture, because we can probably not expect too many new features that would take quite a bit of resources to make. This would include Powers, Movements, Weapons, PvP revamp, and most likely never will see them unwind the legacy code.

    The Marvel project was killed after Jackster left, IIRC. When he left, the company decided to look at what was being developed. Saw how bad it was, then nixed it.

    Just looked, yeah, Jack left around May 18th, 2023 and the announcement of the Marvel game being cancelled was after. Jack Emmert is a good businessman. He knew how to make money. He is the reason why we ended up with Time Capsules having feats in them. Yes, he developed a lot of games, but he also introduced stuff to games that has been universally hated. I know people who played Neverwinter still grit their teeth when mentioning him. He formed a new studio and took half of the Austin studio's developers with him, most likely promised them a pretty penny. (He's pretty wealthy and has a lot of big wallet backers.)
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