Dcuo community! Which one Monthly or 3 Month cycle?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lord Jareth, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. Ashrode Well-Known Player

    I'm fine with a monthly release, but that shouldn't be resulting in a drop in quality or quantity relative to a three month cycle. We should still be getting what we would get in a three month cycle, just in smaller more frequent bursts.
  2. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    This^ so many are wanting to return to this game. They just need you to listen devs.. You should be e mailing or using psn to ask customers why they left...
  3. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    no,we lost a lot do to this, outside world content would be first" Weapon styles would be Second, Third Background Screens" Fourth Bounties"
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  4. Dr Nastiobous Well-Known Player

    I like the 3 month with with better quality and more content.
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  5. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    I agree
  6. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    3 month. I didn't feel rushed to do anything. Only people complaining spammed replays day one. Of course you are going to be bored lol
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  7. Perseus Chase Committed Player

    I used to be a fan of monthly content but with all the bugs, the glitches, this break, those broke.......I can't really say I like it anymore.

    I would like it if they go back to the old way of releasing the content every 3 months instead.
  8. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    Not to mention the feats" i almost forgot about those we got a lot more feats in three month cycle vs the monthly cycle.
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  9. YinChakra Dedicated Player

    3 months.

    Month 1 = Gearing up Main

    Month 2 = Gearing up Alt

    Month 3 = Getting all the feats / SM

    Variety of raids that people will play for longer. Compared to the monthly dlc, people only play the recent months content and log off.

    Also with monthly content coupled with how easy it is to get marks and there being only 3 pieces available each month, it makes vendor gear pointless.
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  10. DarthJafo Committed Player

    Yes 3 month would also possibly encourage people to go back and finish up old episodes or pvp and such
  11. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

  12. Zlohsac Committed Player

    Forgive me for getting caught up on a set amount of time..lets erase that from the equation. However much time it takes isn't really important. 3 months...1 month..8 months..whatever, it doesn't matter.

    Let's pretend they aren't on a set timeline of 2 months..6 months etc and release content when they've decided what they want to release and they're confident that it's ready to go live after testing. What about then? Would that as you say, give them a "breather"?
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  13. BumblingB I got better.

    First I'll desclaimer this and tell you, that would never happen since corporate requires timelines. They don't understand release when confident. They only know if it's not out yet, they don't get money. Also, people need deadlines, or you get no where fast and in debt faster. That being said...

    In a perfect world, we would see everything we wanted. Content would be involved. Players would love it. Devs would be praised. There would be situations where we wouldn't have problems.
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  14. Ashrode Well-Known Player

    Oh I know, you can look through the history of the game and see the big difference. They still have the same amount of time, so there shouldn't be a drop in quantity and quality, yet there clearly was.
  15. YinChakra Dedicated Player

    People only favoured the monthly content because it was new, even i did. Some even thought we would get the same amount of content from 3months, monthly. It was the new experience that made monthly content appealing. Now that the masses have experienced it. We are now able to decide what is better.
  16. BumblingB I got better.

    Again, it was the reward system.
    Every month, there was 2 pieces of content.
    Every month there was 4 new pieces of gear.
    Every month, there was only one piece of content that actually gave you this piece of gear.

    It was this reason why people are having a problem. You are doing either ONE (1) raid or ONE (1) alert a month for 30 days. THAT is the problem. The content itself is the same. There is just no cohesion to it. Nothing really brings the 3 months together. Gear is constantly escalating by 3 item levels. The less isn't the content, but the reason WHY we do the content. I mentioned this all back a while ago. In a thread I talked about monthly content. I LIKE the monthly content, I DO NOT like having only one piece of relevant content to run. And changing the content to 3 month is the same thing.
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  17. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    it's not the same, when we get outside content dailies" Bounties back along with weapon styles oh and the game not crashing each episode it's Release than it will be the same.
  18. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Weekly, please. :D
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  19. tinoman Dedicated Player

    3 months
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  20. BumblingB I got better.

    Why is everyone so set on open world stuff?
    I hated it. I'm not the only one. It's not something that was fun to me. Group content was, going to X NPC to pick up X quest, then traveling to X location was just... Ugh.

    I'm honest, I thought the world of New Gensis was amazing, but once I got the feats for the open world, I could care less to go there again. You want to know the reason why they haven't brought them back? It's not because they don't want to because it wont call for in the monthly content. No, it's not that, it's because they know players don't run it much. Look at all these open world places now. They are ghost towns with bumps of activity of players running a random alt up. If they wanted to do more of this open world stuff, they could. It all fits within the duo/raid, alert/solo category. They don't. They in the past have mentioned things that were based on what players run. Raids and duos. They will go the majority of ran, not the vocal minority of players lamenting in the forums.

    This is a very honest response and I'm not personally targetting you in any way. I just don't get the lamentation of open world when it really just means they want new places to go to. Do you still go back to Gotham Under Siege to run the daily to get that bounty on day 5? Do you go to Central City to pick up the bounties and the horrible chase quest? The answer is no. None of us do. We were complaining about having to run the bounties 500 times and going everywhere to do it.

    The crashing is something that is unavoidable. :/ I would love stability on launch, but days of release are overwhelming then bugs that can't be caught on test only live. Really, it's something they would love to have too.
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