DCUO - 50% off Station Cash

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by picadasgalaxias, May 20, 2014.

  1. Vodka Committed Player

    That's just poor marketing on their part.

    You don't ever lock your players out of buying a thing, even if it doesn't make sense to buy it. DLC, keys, escrow withdraws... these are things you could be making money on now, instead of hoping the player will still want them when their membership finally runs out.
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  2. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    Clip I thought they perma banned you from the game like a year and a half ago if your the same clip im thinking of
  3. Clip New Player

    O.O banned?

    I banned myself for months because i was so mad about the loot etc in OC. :D
    But since ps4 has still no good games i tried dcuo again and enjoyed most of the changes.
    I play on EUPS server, maybe there is another clip in the us.
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  4. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    yea the Clip I know was on USPS
  5. Clip New Player

    Maybe he got banned because he used my name... ;)
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  6. EzioNight New Player

    Can't wait to not spend a dime! But who knows those sales are so tempting.
  7. light FX Steadfast Player

    oh soe went back on its word and a promise? really? im so shocked :p
  8. light FX Steadfast Player

    exactly. The 10% thing is good for 1 thing only imo if your legendary and thats replays. Well a pwr token isnt bad either, i mean u save a dollar so not too bad but the whole save 40 or 60 cents? I could care less, actually the more i think about it a dollar is kinda in that same boat too :p oh well
  9. Drakonicus New Player

    They promissed better sales. They didnt say when.
  10. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Is this the same as 50% replay badges. Don't think PS over had the 50% market place cash.
  11. Ramonater New Player

    just like my hopes and dreams for this game every being a top MMO:(
  12. picadasgalaxias New Player

    five months.........and nothing