DC universe Characters Wiki: the battle

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Zuse, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    post your wiki and someone you want to fight i think....hopefully zuse responds soon and lets you know

    Sorry i haven't come back with a story yet, my right arm is near enough useless atm, and i can't bare the prospect of typing out something long with only one hand
  2. BernUnit81 Devoted Player

    it's all good. No worries. I will wait to see if/when he responds, in the mean time I will brush up my Wikia. Now, here is another question. I think I have 2 pages one one the DCUO Wikia and then just a regular Wikia, which one do I post?
  3. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    suppose the dcuo one but i'd be interested to see your page on regular wiki if you want to post it away
  4. BernUnit81 Devoted Player

    It's pretty much the same as the other one, just some minor layout changes and some pics. Here you go. Give me any feedback you want.

    Stories are all on the "Developing A Thick Skin" category at the bottom
  5. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    i just thought it was cool you had your own wiki...seems a pretty cool idea, i like how in depth it is
  6. Zuse Loyal Player

    Just post 2 links of 2 characters you find on the wiki and enjoy the opinions of others
  7. CHUD Loyal Player

    Do we post our wiki here in the forums or what???? Kinda lost at the moment.
  8. BernUnit81 Devoted Player

  9. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player


    i cant really type atm so i cant post the way I want to but hoping others get involved
  10. Entity Committed Player

    damn thats epic im glad you actually read into Entity's abilities and Bantez, great imagination on the battlefield too
    • Like x 1
  11. Entity Committed Player

    lol unfortunately for you he does. Entity's brother Delusion is a telepath/telekinetic and often teaches Entity to use his powers in a telepathic state of mind that warps time basically they train for days in each others heads that would be hours in real time
    • Like x 1
  12. Desert Rose New Player

  13. Zuse Loyal Player

    another challenger ? fine
  14. Entity Committed Player

    Pyrez, Entity, Menrva vs Supreme Monarch
  15. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Full power?
    This just got interesting :)
  16. JusticeGirlCeleste Dedicated Player

    Hmm.. Interesting indeed :p
  17. MichealOkane Committed Player

  18. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    I needed to revive to help me with my DCUO Secret Six team.....
  19. Entity Committed Player

    what's it about?
  20. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    About five foot seven, 150 pounds