DC Queueniverse Online

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by nawanda, May 17, 2020.

  1. nawanda Loyal Player

    Is there anything in the pipeline to improve quality of life for players to make it easier for:

    a) Groups to access old content without having 8/4/2 players?
    b) Heroes and villains to be able to group together?

    I’m the leader of an active league and we seem to spend all day every day queueing each other into things to get around the current limitations. It’s really tiresome.
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  2. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    I can't see them doing the heroes & villains grouping together thing, but I absolutely do want to see some kind of force queue option. there's a whole ton of content that would be instantly opened up to me if I could just either walk-in or queue in on my own. so much content.
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  3. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    This is exactly what I was talking about.

    You spend more time waiting on que's than you do playing the game.
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  4. Schimaera Devoted Player

    As much as I would love single person queues for everything, it would significantly hurt newer people wanting to go into actual content for them.
    I can only speak for myself but when I'm bored I just queue up for everything. Sometimes because there are some lair items there that are worth some bucks, sometimes just for the lols or occational source mark.
    But doing that I'm often grouped with at-level people that actually need gear/feats/marks to advance.

    I'd rather have something like content where everyone is buffed/nerfed to the same level (plus the advances that artifacts and such bring with it) to revive older content. I miss the days where Paradox Wave, Nexus, Throne, but also stuff like older alerts were interesting and fun (to me).
    But this game lacks proper tutorials to encourage people to play support roles and simply making older content event instances, it would just nerf some mechanics to an extent where we could simply just stick with what we have right now ...
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  5. nawanda Loyal Player

    I know what you’re saying in your first paragraph, but in the types of situations I’m talking about, these newer players aren’t getting in the groups anyway as things stand. It’s usually when heroes and villain characters want to do an endgame or recent raid together (so no pugs) or people want to pick up old feats (also no pugs, usually).

    I’m sure there would be a way to improve quality of life for people in the above categories without making it harder for newer players to progress.
  6. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I do agree on the concept of Task Force X/Suicide Squad for all content. If it could be expanded by a shared LFG plus pre forming/grouping up with villains/heroes together before actually being in content - that would be swell.
    I can imagine that there are several villains on the servers without a hero pal or pal-alt that can queue them into content.
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  7. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    It's brutal for older alerts and raids without a league and friends your out of luck and sometimes now that isn't even enough . I feel something else should be in place for individual player's so you don't have to have your friends or leagues help a walk in or something .
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  8. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I swear end-game folks can't win lol.

    It's always A: No, we can't have solo ques or walkins because we need higher CR's.

    Or B: Ugh, why is this high CR in my group? "Devs we need stat clamping!!"


    Even though B would honestly make a good argument for solo que's to be a thing since high cr folks won't be needing to ruin an experience for new players as people frame that we do.
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  9. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    well the devs would be crazy not to bring gear ranking to the table for next gen. Gear ranking ques would be what ur looking for. We all want to enjoy every all eps and content not just one or 2 for progression for gear. The way it stands now is pretty sad on the devs part leaving all that old content go to waste. pushing us all to end game to play the same new maps over and over for 3 months. all because they keep going down the same road pushing players away from the game with artifacts and what not. so they have no choice but to try and keep as much as the player base as they can at end game. so people can actually run content together without taking to long to find roles or people. But all this is starting to not work either. After day one of weekly reset there is hardly anyone doing open world.bosses. que times 6 to 8 hours after daily reset are longer than they have ever been to find players. The devs have all but dryed up pve it looks like everyone's starting to move on now. This ep really shows how dead pve is. you'll find maybe 10 people doing something in birds of prey open world and I hardly see more than 10 people the day after weekly reset. The game has gone very dark and isn't looking to good. We need a revamp to gear progression asap content needs to be hard depending on group rank. cr needs to go and the marks for gear. We need an exp per ko system to bring the life back to the game. Devs revamp gear stop doing elite and get it done. I want a dcuo gear system that has no max. this thing about people getting max cr day one is sad I wish the devs could do better. No max rank means the enemies have no cap either the stronger u are the stronger they get. So you all like mechanics that's what survival mode is for not elite. do it the right way devs not the wrong way end elite less work for u guys
  10. HL4LYFE Well-Known Player

    not gonna lie if they added stat clamping to all old content but you could actually get sorce marks for running it clamped i would run every single thing in this game, bc source marks are so needed in end game, an honestly at end game u just dont have enough to run to actually get enough to play catch up on all these overpriced old collections, an the overpriced catalyst for artifacts an all the overpriced styles ect ect
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  11. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We like and have discussed both suggestions.

    #1 is something that is always included in any on duty UI revamp, and I think eventually we will get there. We don't have a specific timeline for that or concrete plans.

    #2 gets more complicated and would likely take a lot of work to make it happen and then update all the content/systems needed to sort through whatever catches await. This one seems much less likely just based on what else we would have to not do to get it done.
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  12. Firefly212 New Player

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  13. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    If you allow entering an instance with fewer people, there would at least be a work around for heroes and villains forming groups. One side could go in without a full group and invite people from the other side.
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  14. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    They need to create a different version of the old content where it’s buffed to end game cr levels. This will give us an enormous amount of “new” content, and allow us to farm whatever rewards the devs put in there (collections, source marks, feats, styles etc).
  15. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Regarding #2, there are a series of instances that are still not Cross Faction capable... stuff from "Hand of Fate" (the alert(s) and raids), "War of the Light" (Avarice Impurity/Rage Impurity), and "Prison Break." I know there will be a lot of internal mapping when it comes to the feats and stuff like that, but is it possible to at least get some of these things into the realm of stuff that is Cross Faction enabled? It won't necessarily fully satisfy things but it could help the queues move along a little faster if you can be matched up via Task Force X/Suicide Squad.
  16. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    I believe the remaining operations that are not cross faction are ones that have a tech issue preventing it. I'll confirm.
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  17. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Please and thanks! It would be nice to have a list somewhere of the instances that are not cross faction just for reference. :)
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  18. nawanda Loyal Player

    You can make your own list pretty easily.

    The ones that are cross faction have a red watermark in the background when you hover on them in your on duty menu. It’s a big red circular pattern, you can’t miss it.
  19. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    I would buy that for a dollar. ;)

    Hope you manage to pull it off sooner rather then later. Guess we will have to wait and see. ;)
  20. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    It's becoming frustrating, I've been trying to complete the Quickstryke style from Prison Break for weeks now with no luck.

    My suggestion to the devs is either allow walk-ins based on cr advancement or allow us to que with Legends.