DC Bombshells style suggestions

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by StarshipAwesome, Jul 16, 2015.

  1. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    Mine are:

    1) Harley's goggles
    2) WW's belt with lasso on the side
    3) Supergirl's boots
    4) The roller skates from the Big Belly Burger image
    5) Hawkgirl's head piece and jet pack
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  2. Kreachure Committed Player

    Very good ideas. Definitely the goggles. Except Supegirl's boots are meh.
  3. Circe New Player

    Pirate Ravager outfit! (really want the chest & legs)

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  4. Retired Red Robin Well-Known Player

    Yep I'm subbing for a whole year if some styles also come up :)
  5. Backseid Devoted Player

    The 5 roller skates would be great. I already see 1000 Sprites with the "Kick Me" sign running around. Lol

    But seriously, they would be fun :)
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  6. Kuno Loyal Player

    Everything! I hope we get access to some of that stuff because those retro styles are something we missing. We dont have too many Silver Age or 1940s inspired styles.
    Would feel like a missed oportunity if we dont get some of those pieces.

    Ravager boots and lets, Supergirl boots, Harley jacket, those hairstyles... Everything I need!
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  7. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    In trying to recreate some of the Bombshell costumes and looking at what others have done in this thread (https://forums.daybreakgames.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/inspired-by-bombshells-styles.253898/), here are some of the things we were missing:

    - Girdle with emblem (if an emblem can be set on a waist item)

    - Cap that’s compatible with hair (in general, we could use more head styles that let the hair out)

    Wonder Woman
    - short-sleeved collared shirt
    - bandanna - this is probably an issue because of the various hair shapes… maybe treat is like one of the crowns so it goes over the forehead instead of wrapping hair

    - bustier with tails (male version can be a tux)

    - cowl or mask that lets the hair show through

    - hair compatible helm
    - jacket tied to waist (might have to be a leg style I’m guessing)

    - goggles strapped on forehead
    - open jacket with different colored chest piece (bikini top for female, undershirt for male)

    - Druid top with Tidewalker texture
    - Tidewalker legs with shawl wrapped around

    Killer Frost
    - sweater that we can color (can reuse any existing one)
    - ushanka (that’s guess what… compatible with hair)
  8. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    Harley and Wondy's hairstyles are great!...also WW,Harley and Supergirl's entire outfits.:)
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  9. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    That makes me think of a lady pirate spider-man from another timeline. Because of the head piece.
  10. NerdOfPrey Creative Director

    Thanks for the feedback. For now, let's limit it to the Bombshells we have as NPCs: Catwoman, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn, and Talia.

    Keep on telling us your faves. Personally, I love Catwoman's glasses and Wonder Woman's shirt. And Harley's boots. And..and....
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  11. Circe New Player

    In that case...

    Talia's chest (with the bracers) and headpiece:
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  12. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    Can we have all five complete outfits? ;):)

    Seriously charge the complete outfits for $7.00 - $10. People will buy them.

    Is there any possible way of putting at least one complete Bombshell outfit on the marketplace? If so, let the players vote out of the five styles. I know the Devs gave up on styles for the marketplace from the lack of sales from the fire fighter, cowboy outfits etc. But players wanted super heroic/villainy styles.

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  13. rawlings42 Well-Known Player

    I really want these style items to be available in game for out toons!

    My fav: Harley's top/jacket (would be chest peice

    other I want:
    1) WW top
    2) WW belt with lasso on it
    3) Supergirl's top

    But mainly I want these styles to be opened up to players too.

    Was no a big fan of the styles previewed for these episodes!
  14. BumblingB I got better.

    Edit: I know I know, I kind of had wishful thinking. Here, but:

    Power Girl! I would very much like all her styles. From the midriff to the gloves and boots. Her hair style is very good too. :)


    Also, Superman's mustache!
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  15. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    and...and...all of it!? :)

    You guys really did great, I have the WW,SG,Harley key art as my desktop background.;)
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  16. Circe New Player

    I want WW's short shorts...and make them wearable on male toons as well (no pants or long shorts pls). :) Or are these female only styles?

    Oh, and all the other WW things suggested as well. :)
  17. Backseid Devoted Player

    Is it much work to give us styles that are already on NPC's?

    If it's not much, why is there nothing in the Market Place?

    Even if they were to be sold on the cheap side, isn't there a huge potential for profit being overlooked here?

    Sorry for the derailment, but in a game with a far superior level of costuming, it's mind boggling.
  18. Antwoman Dedicated Player


    I just want this whole outfit. This is the style I wanted for one of my toons since the start make it happen Dev's lol.....oh yeah I forgot the add please...!!!
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  19. Eternity's_Girl Committed Player

    Is all of it an option?!:)

    If not I was really drawn to Harley's jacket/top, OH OH and her boots. If I had to choose, the boots, they are close to what I have wanted for years (that and normal, non boot, heels).

    Really, do we have to choose??!!:(
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  20. Backseid Devoted Player

    No more male/female only styles. If DC can have gay Lanterns, than cross dressing should be OK.
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