Daybreak Press Event at E32015

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by jedirobb, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. jedirobb Well-Known Player

    Hello Daybreak folks!

    In my meeting travels this year at E3 I noticed a single table and Daybreak stand-up at an offsite facility.

    It seems that there was a press-only event held there for some Daybreak IPs.

    Any chance you have something neat brewing you can share with us, you know, friends and family-like? I am sure we are all doubly interested if there is some DCUO-related items in there ;)
  2. MercPony Devoted Player

    I think they was mostly showcasing Planetside 2 there. I'm not sure if other games were shown there, and usually we'd hear from Mepps or Spytle if anything big with this game was gonna be mentioned at E3.
  3. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Maybe they are finally going to let us know the general release date for H1Z1 for PC (probably never :()
  4. Owl Devoted Player

    Daybreak Games had 2 Kiosks set up for Planetside 2 in the Playstation Booth at E3.

    The PS4 version of Planetside 2 went live yesterday.
  5. jedirobb Well-Known Player

    Sorry for the delay... been traveling.

    Yup, I heard about the kiosks, this was not at the venue but another location off-site. No big, I was just curious if there was anything DCUO related they may let us have.