Did anybody else notice the Crow Call feat in the Metal II feats list? I wonder when those little guys are coming?
I have some style, collect pieces. Normally, I would sell on Broker but I'll keep it for possible trade. Who knows?
Geeze... if the Dark Robin Henchmen have a ridiculously low drop rate AND are able to be sold or traded once everything goes back to normal...
Well, I only want few things in game and Dark Robin Henchmen is one of those. I don't like much styles, auras or materials. So I can give them for it. Is it wrong?
I have not bothered using any Material, Aura, or Accessory that didn't grant a feat. I saved Arctic Materials and whatnot from the Megacapsules specifically for this purpose: to trade for the odd thing that I actually would like to have.
No, not at all. I hope you get one. I want one too. My comment was in reference to the current state of the Economy... and what could possibly happen again if the game keeps on releasing super rare items that can only be obtained by the average player via the broker or trade. So, in other words.... I hope they don't have a super low drop rate or that they eventually allow us to purchase them via a vendor. Otherwise, the price for the Dark Robin Henchmen will be astronomical.
It's basically the new version of the man-bat henchmen drop in Zoo Elite. Gonna be rare and gonna be expensive on the broker.
I'd say it'll rare and expensive but I don't know if I'll actually try to get one, depends on how they stack up against other items currently on my utility belt. The seahorse does good damage and doesn't require marks every 2 months to be effective.
From what I understand, the henchmen and the orbital drop in both versions of the raids, the elites just offer higher drop rates.
There are going to be chase items in an RNG-based game. An MMO like this benefits from people playing content and being more engaged. If they are plentiful the people who want it are going to have it and no more farmers trying to get them to sell or use for themselves. They'd be shooting themselves in the foot by eliminating chase items.
Unless they increase the broker cap or wipe our money I would anticipate them going for more than a bil. So I don’t think you will see them on the broker anytime soon (once we can trade and use the broker again).