Fixed Dark Knights Duo Headline Missing

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Silverfencer, Apr 28, 2022.

  1. Silverfencer New Player

    I've done the new duo twice for the Dark Knights episode and not once have I seen a headline for it. The headlines for the other two events worked just fine but I don't know why I didn't see one for the duo.
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  2. Silverfencer New Player

    I did the duo again on Event and that gave the headline. Despite having previously done it twice on Normal though, I didn't see a headline for it until then so that should be looked into.
  3. Beard Maaaan Well-Known Player

    I’ve been running the normal version of the New Apokolips Duo. Today I ran the Event version and got the Apokolips Now headline. Apparently the normal version doesn’t grant it.
  4. Beard Maaaan Well-Known Player

    I searched for Apokolips Now headline and didn’t find anything, so I posted. But I now see this reported before a few weeks ago as “Dark Nights Duo Headline Missing” five pages ago.