Anyone else experience this? I had gotten to the final boss of the Damage Control alert (The Drowned). The group ended up wiping three times and eventually members started to leave the group at that point. New players came in, but when they did, we couldn't see them on the map and they could not see us. At first, we just assumed said players were lost somewhere within The Silent School area (since it's everyone's first time running the alert, they're probably a bit disorientated). Then after a few minutes without them showing up, we would ask..."Where are you?" The first two players just didn't respond and after a few minutes, left the alert. Finally, the third player to join replied, "I'm by Dawnbreaker, but I don't see anybody else." Dawnbreaker was in the Oan Science portion of the alert... we are in Atlantis. Is there a glitch that ports new players at the Oan Science Cells portion of the alert? Thus allowing us to hear them but not see them? Just curious if this happened to anyone else?
There is a work around to this bug Goto map then click warp goto watch tower don't wary you will not leave group,you should see portal back into the event instance behind you in Upper floor training area in watch tower to get back. This should take you to the closest rally point to your group. Note if you click leave in score card it may break the mission and loot lock you use leave after you use return to watch tower portal. I'm sure a hotfix is in coming very soon !.
This happened to me too. What worked to get me to the rest of the group was warp to rally point which put me at Oan Sicene Cells start area. Then I used to teleporter to send me back to the Watchtower. Then I used the back to operation teleporter and that got me to next area and then I was able to get to the rest of the group.