Daily reward timer need to be fixed

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by kallader, May 8, 2024.

  1. kallader Committed Player

    When open menu for daily reward you have the timer telling you how long before claim next reward but if you suppose to be able to claim the reward right after server save when log in it add another 2h to the countdown .
    What the point to tell time if they are not respecting it at all.. this is more insulting than other thing :/
    How hard it is to program a simple timer?

    Before downtime

    After downtime
  2. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    I don't know how it works....

    If you play every day doing your dailies.... but: you could still wind up getting a few days behind simply because of the different times that you chose to play....
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You'd kind of have to plan it to set up a worst case scenario. I.e. You get on Monday the 1st (whatever month that would happen) just post daily change (CST 11AM +), then log in on the 2nd just after reboot, and only stay for a short time you'd be the 'same' day. You'd then have to get on on the 3rd after 11AM again to skip a day...again, the NEXT day, coming in just post reboot, staying a short time.

    Can it happen? Yeah, I'd guess so. Do you kind of have to go out of your way to make it happen? Yeah, I'd say so too.

    I'd guess there are a bunch of people who run mostly during that reset-daily change window, but how many?
  4. Plowed In Loyal Player

    So it’s always 2 hours after reset? Sounds easy enough to set expectations to that…I’d say it’d be different if some days you do get your rewards after reset vs 2 hours later, but as long as it’s consistent…

    I do get your point, but at this stage…this is pretty nitpicky, have you tried putting a bug report in?

    I’m looking at your next day rewards too…are you sweating that much over 10 SM and some fate tokens?
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It's only 1 hour when we are off DST....so MOSTLY consistent. 2 changes a year, an hour forward, then back.

    And no...it doesn't matter if where people are at the practice is followed (looking at you American Samoa) as the servers exist were it is followed...so when DST is active, the servers reboot 1 hour earlier vs the daily grant reset, so there is a 2 hour window for those 7 or so months.
  6. kallader Committed Player

    The point is about the timer been wrong This is simple to understand
    Countdown say reward in 9 minutes then it should be the case
    downtime last 1h then when log it say reward in 2h this is 3 extra hour

    If your boss say you get your cash at 9am then you go claim your cash and they say sorry we are currently close then you wait 1h then they open and say sorry you get paid at 12pm you will say why tell me i will get paid a 9am in the first place.The timer is the problem
  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    But it doesn't say 9 minutes. It would only say that on the last day of the month, the last hour before reset. It says 24 days, then 23 days...no hours...no minutes, yet you are holding that timer to hours and minutes. So you can't really say it's not 'right' as it is 23 days and some amount of hours. And even on the last day, it likely doesn't match up, as the NEXT day is a new month...2 hours of which is day 0 (1 hour out of DST).

    Now...if it were the 15th of the month, and it said the 'daily' reward was in X hours...then in X hours it was not there, you have a case.

    Not to mention, you are showing 23 days left, and are on day 8 already. In 2 hours from the 2nd pic you will be at day 9 + 23 days left...in a 31 day month. You are ahead of the game and will run out of rewards before you run out of days. What is the complaint?