Cyborg Fatigue

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DemonofthePit, Jan 25, 2022.

  1. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    It was the same with Mordru and his so-called “failed” clones. Apparently, this is Cyborg’s multiverse, we just live in it. :p
  2. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player

    No. I wasn't.

    I genuinely think that Ambush Bug, Captain Carrot, Infinity Inc., The Omega Men and the rest are more interesting and compelling than Cyborg ever was and ever will be. And with the overall level of absurdity that already exists in DCUO from each episode I think that adding new content centered around Ambush Bug, Captain Carrot, etc. would add balance to the existing level of absurdity and breathe new life into DCUO only so long as that content stays true to the original spirit of these characters as they existed when first introduced 40 years ago.

    I have nothing against Cyborg per se. But I think the OP hit the bullseye - Cyborg is being forced. There is nothing organic about him in DCUO (no pun intented.)
  3. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Oh ok I understand what you mean now. I think I was reading it from the angle of how prominent the characters are in the comics, rather than how interesting people find them, so I apologise for my incorrect understanding.
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  4. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    You wrote:
    So, yeah, he does have his own comic book. By your own standards there, he qualifies.

    Plus he's in almost all of the JL animated films. He's been in all the Teen Titans cartoon series and movies. He's a popular character, regardless of whether you approve.
    Captain Boomerang has appeared numerous times in JLI and many animated DC films -- he is popular. "But not one of the big dogs" is you moving goalposts. Again.

    Cyborg was the leader of the resistance in FLASHPOINT, both the original comic and the movie. He *is* a big dog at this point. Like it or not. In any case, he's certainly not crowding out the mentors, so you have no grounds for legitimate complaint. Don't like him? Fine. But he's not therefore going away.

    And anyone who thinks that the only reason characters who happen to be black are ever featured is because they're black... well, their agenda is as clear as what bothers them so much.

    "If characters aren't straight white men, it's only because Evil Librul Conspiracy"... such racist nonsense isn't even worth rebutting.
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  5. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    I've never been a particular fan of the character. I mean, I liked him when the New Teen Titans was first launched ( but then, so did everyone, that comic was insanely popular, popular enough to dethrone the X-Men on it's release, which was no mean feat ), but beyond those original stories I've never cared for him. somewhere around the New52, they decided to up his stake in things ( I suspect, largely, because of his being in then in development Justice League film ), & it's just kinda gone from there. he has his fans. I don't actually know any of them, but I'm assured they're out there.
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  6. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    This is so not true. She's had a huge, highly enthusiastic, set of fans at least since Kelly Sue DeConnick's run. A glance at any set of comics convention cosplayer photos makes that indisputably clear. Like it or not. Nobody is paying fans to be such hardcover fans. The "Carol Corps" is entirely real.

  7. Dene Devoted Player

    Everything about that series was just perfection - in my opinion - at the start anyway
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  8. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    it was a great series, for sure. DC were on fire in the 80s.
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  9. Starblast Well-Known Player

    At first when I clicked this thread I had thought you meant the Cyborg ally fatigue since he seems to be overused and probably the best that I've played as. But uh...I think people really just like characters regardless of their race, popularity, etc. When I was young I remember my first GI Joe action figures were Stalker, Jinx, Snake Eyes, and I mailed off and got Serpentor in the mail. A friend let me borrower the Battle Armor Cobra Commander. I say all this because I'm a white male. I did eventually get the generic looking ones that are staples like Duke and such but still....OH and of course all the different recolored Baroness figures. I had DC figures at the time but I mainly remember any character that wasn't Batman was rare. Bottom line is that you like what is cool. But I don't really feel as you said that he is a household name. I think a lot of that is accidental. They never know what will stick.
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  10. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    When I first read the OP. My reaction was “not a Popular character?!? Is this guy nuts?!?
    Then I thought about some of his phrasing……
    “doesn’t have his own movie…
    numbers don’t lie…. And I started looking back at the last 35-40 years.
    Way back when. There wasn’t a whole lot of alt media for comic fans (particularly if you were a DC fan
    oh there were a few Superman movies here and there and maybe if you were lucky and had cable you could find a channel that aired reruns of the 50s Superman, the 60’s Batman and even Wonder Woman in the 70s…

    But! Super Friends was winding down. The Super Powers Series were a high Note for the Super Friends but they were also the swan song. The figures were being fairly constantly outsold by Masters of the Universe, WWF , G.I.Joe, Transformers, Thundercats etc etc…
    Warners was dragging its heels on putting out any further Super Hero media because there was too much competition from the likes of all those other properties and interests…..

    Even the Crisis was barely a blip on the radar (the only two books DC published in all that time that I Paid any attention to were V and Star Trek) I wasn’t even aware of Dark Knight Returns until after the buzzz started about Batman in early 1989.
    after Batman, came out Superhero comics started to get a shot in the arm. It helped that there were other things on TV. The Flash in 1990, Lois and Clark from 1993-97 Human Target had a brief series as did Swamp Thing….but these were all still minor blips on a radar filled with Lethal Weapon and Die Hard as well as James Bond. Even Kenner/Hasbro which had the figure lisence for much of the DC roster during those years, hardly did anything outside the big two…(and when they did their more expansive character line-ups Total Justice and JLA, Cyborg was not included (Steel, a member of the growing Superman family took Cyborg’s place)

    So in a sense he’s right.DC may have pushed Cyborg very well in the comics but Warners were still barely putting out anything beyond the Staples of Superman and Batman during that entire time. The Teen Titans cartoon on Cartoon Network was probably the chief introduction for a lot of people to the character. (Perhaps a few more were introduced through the character on Smallville)

    Of course then we come to the game DC Universe Online and Cyborg has very little to do initially, he sends you on two Titans themed missions from the mid-town Police station and he hangs out in the Watchtower’s reactor room where to my knowledge, he still doesn’t have anything for a player to do until they get a little more. Experience….(Just how much Experience does a player need anyway?!?)

    Less than a year after the game’s launch, DC starts it’s New52 reboot and puts Cyborg at the heart of both. Going so far as to push J’onn J’onzz out of the League in favor of Cyborg. And Cyborg starts to be exposed to more of the “casual” fans or at least he becomes more available to the public……

    still, for all of that, Cyborg has been a fairly minor character in a much larger universe. He’s gotten a larger push in the game of late, that’s true enough. But even then, that’s only about three episodes in the last two or three years…..
  11. DemonofthePit New Player

    I bet they're starving for that new Marvels movie coming out. Bursting at the seams with excitement. I wish them well. I know being a Capt Marvel fan is a heavy burden.
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  12. Multiverse Creator League

    The first 50 issues.... Absolutely. :)
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  13. Kaegrin Well-Known Player

    Everything special about Cyborg came out of a box... Granted, it was a Mother Box, but still...
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  14. Dry Cleaning Well-Known Player

    such a boring character imo. he was fine in new teen titans but i hate how he's shoved into everything-- justice league movie, doom patrol show, every dcuo episode.

    more diverse characters are always great but pls some other options, cyborg is the worst. how about icon, more black lightning, more vixen, more static, bumblebee