Current PVP Up-Tiered

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TroEL, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. TroEL Dedicated Player

    Existing PvP Gear has been Up-Tiered!
    oAs part of PvP Season 2, we have adjusted the item levels of the existing PvP gear so that players who have high-tier Mods in their PvP gear will not have to replace the mods from getting new equipment.

    What exactly does that mean?
  2. jflusson Well-Known Player

    yes im curious as well, anyone know?
  3. TroEL Dedicated Player

    Can it be that no one else wants to know what this means? Really?o_O

    To me it sounds like we can transfer our mods to PvP S2 gear. I'm currently at fully Expert moded Vengeance gear....if this means what I think it means then I wouldn't have to waste time farming and/or getting new mods created.

    I guess people are more concerned with weapon "nerfs' and combat mechanics..

  4. jflusson Well-Known Player

    thats my thinking also, that my expert mods can go right into the new pvp gear. hopefully