Crystal don't damage Captain Cold

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Xibo, Oct 23, 2015.

  1. Xibo Loyal Player

    I run today Flash Museum duo and my Crystal don't damage Captain Cold. I don't know if another players have also this issue. If you have please write here.
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  2. Vaylak New Player

    Tested with my earth toon, no damage on Captain cold from Crystal, also tested on villain side with my sorcerer , no damage from Fury on Green Arrow. Only superpowers and weapons do damage on final bosses.
  3. Veritech Loyal Player

    I can confirm this. No damage from crystal on Green Arrow on villain side. She was doing attacks but nothing in the combat log.
  4. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    Well that explains why we kept getting out butts whooped in there last night.
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  5. SpiderCrow Level 30

    Yesterday, we run the duo with a Earth 137 and Quantum 131 and was impossible to pass. Then I try with my Sorc 137 and Fire 137. I use the supercgarge 2 times on Cold and the live bar drop a l 50%. Something happened to the the pet in that duo.
  6. David Ivanenko Committed Player

    No wonder why I was getting my butt handed to me yesterday on the duo.
    CR 138 Earth DPS (me) and a 141 Quantum DPS, we wiped twice at the last boss so I switched to tank and we were able to complete it. Now I know why that happened, lol.
  7. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    huh. yesterday was able to run it fine on my hero sorcery toon with a slightly squishy nature healer as my backup. I did pull out Grand Summoning ... but if both Crystal and Fury are having problems, I'd assume they would, too.
  8. Infyrneaux23 Dedicated Player

    LOL. Yikes. This makes me re-think my desire for a fire pet. I always thought it would be cool to summon a small fire-breathing salamander, dragon, drake or wyvern but if they're going to be ineffectual, maybe not.o_O

    I'm sure this is a bug, though, so gimme my dragon!
  9. Millbarge Developer

    Player Pets not doing damage to the final boss is a known issue. We have a fix submitted internally and are working to get it out to the Live Servers.

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  10. SpiderCrow Level 30

    Thank for the info.
  11. SnakeEyes Active Player

    cool. I thought that crystal was staying outside the room when I go in or something or going invisible on ps3 but maybe it was just this issue that they're fixing already.
  12. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Now it's in the tracker too:
  13. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    This explains a lot.
  14. Veritech Loyal Player

    When your own post is the perfect reply to your own post.
  15. Infyrneaux23 Dedicated Player

    • Like x 1
  16. Tornicade_IV New Player

    i am trying to get a grasp on the lingo here.. so if they fix it .... is this a nerf?
  17. fishingguy Active Player

    Not fixed. Crystal still not damaging green arrow on villain side
  18. Skelter Helter Well-Known Player

    Just happened to me for the first time. Think I'll be tanking the duo from now on.

  19. Veritech Loyal Player

    Not in this case, the fix Millbarge stated will enable the pet to do damage again in the boss fight. No nerf :)
  20. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    Still no fix yet?
    Both Fury and Crystal do 0 damage to the last boss in Flash Museum Duo.