Crossplay - I'm a fan

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Avian, Feb 2, 2016.

  1. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Pretty sure it does. Depending on what you call early morning US. 7am eastern time US the game is down for restart and pretty much slow until 10am est or 7am pst.

    Once crossplay happens for US side it wont. You have to remember that USPS alone has more characters than both EUPC and EUPS combined.
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  2. Pults Loyal Player

    Huge surprise when I got a complete random queue raid in less than 5 minutes (Villain side). Although I've migrated to US server due to low population on EU a year ago, I know I am more than looking forward to the sudden growth of community (from my point of view).
  3. DarthJafo Committed Player

    PC was like that all time at launch before the hack. A bit less after..and then back up when ir went ftp.
  4. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Similar story on the EU Villains side now:


    I was running around the whole circle and there were groups of players at every point. It felt very nostalgic. I even had to phase shift a few times because they were so many people around.

    Congratulations to the developers on a successful, pain free merge. Considering this is the same company that did the PVP/PVE servers merge back in the day, I had planned for a lot worse :X
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  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Soon, well have cake and ice cream, ballons, and smoke the peace pipe....Proxystar and i will be going at it UA:"Civil War" style mounting for the final battle to decide where SP can stand
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  6. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

    Asking if you can give them a free aura..
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  7. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    I have, when they merged all the US PC servers into one.
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  8. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    No it aint. Soe did that not dbg
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  9. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    Same company different name, there literally have been people explaining this on a weekly basis lol....
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  10. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Considering dbg bought out soe. Not really they kept the staff bUT the company is different
  11. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    Columbus Nova bought SOE from Sony. SOE rebrand/rename to Daybreak Games.
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  12. Nuubia Well-Known Player




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  13. Delta796th Loyal Player

    That made me laugh,
    only because it happened 2 days ago AGAIN!
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  14. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    It worked really well!
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  15. Avian Dedicated Player

    I have to say going from the highest priced item on the brooker being under 10 mil to the highest priced item now being 200 mil is a kinda crazy lmao.
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  16. AllanPage Committed Player

    As a USPC player who was thinking to move to EU after crossplay I am certainly not disappointed. I'm very happy with the amount of population and smooth gameplay I saw. I can't imagine how many people will be on US side after merge, its crazy lol.
  17. Sylo Committed Player

    Then you haven't been here five years :D
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  18. Controller Devoted Player

    Me too, whenever it happens.

    Just take your time, Mepps / Devs work out the kinks.

    It's happening sooner than later and for that I'm glad.
  19. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Awesome job and just in time :D ,pvp update, light balance and crossplay.
  20. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    *Fingers crossed for active villains side*..

    What.. i can hope right :(


    I do wanna play on my villain some more, because that was the side I started out with.
    I went to heroes side as soon as the population became pretty bad..

    Well the population wasn't a problem, but forming groups on villains side was.

    I'll still play on my heroes though.
    #Hello all the playstation folks.