Crossplay between all platforms

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by WonderWarriorh, Jun 1, 2022.

  1. WonderWarriorh New Player

    Could Dcuo please introduce the crossplay between all platforms . It's much better for raids, alerts and etc and would be very good for players
    • Like x 4
  2. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    That would be nice. :)
  3. sebfm Well-Known Player

    I agree 100%

    Would love to be able to continue farming my PC char on my Switch or on my Xbox :)
  4. iQueen Celestia New Player

    It's a sad sad day I can only like a post once. All my main account data is on PS. Life and situations happened where a console wasn't in the cards, but a PC sure is.

    Yet, the idea of starting completely over on a fresh account cause the company can't be bothered to implement a crossover feature in 2022 is... baffling, to say the least, and put extremely mildly.
  5. you and me we got this Level 30

    what u are refering to is cross progress not cross play , and its not like they dont want it , they need to get to an agreement from the 2nd parties in play (sony microsoft nintendo) , its sad yes but its not their choice
    • Like x 2
  6. iQueen Celestia New Player

    So your pointing ME out when the others are ALSO mentioning it in this thread as well? Cute..

    Notice I said the year for a reason as to why it's baffling that it's not available. DCUO came out in 2011, on the PS3. I should know, I had the disc when it was a subscription game. Since then, we've had multiple smaller and bigger titles become cross-play over the years. Size and budget of studios varied as they're ALL not just triple AAA studios, so THAT excuse goes out the window from the jump.

    So, unless it's for purely corporate greed reasons as they want folks to start fresh without a universal account (Notice on this site it still says to sign in with your PS, MS, Switch and PC accounts) or for international reasons I've not heard of, what is the excuse for not having SOMETHING implemented by 2022?
  7. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Sony, Microsoft and/or Nintendo are the ones saying "no", ask one of those companies why they allow cross play on other games but not this one. The answer may not surprise you.
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  8. RafaelGBM New Player

    I'm from the xbox server and I think it's very slow, there are almost no people to make elites and there's a lot of things missing in the broker because there are few people selling
  9. Bullistikz Active Player

    Cross-Play would be great, however with the vastly different rates of items on the broker, anyone joining to play with the US server will be at a significant in game money disadvantage. I mean if they could make it that the brokers are platform specific it could possibly work, but I do believe they would have to eliminate the ability to trade cash to make that work.
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  10. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Not really.

    When PC and PS were merged.... there was a similar situation.

    What happened is that the price on PS went down..... and PC players were able to sell their items for a LOT more $$$ and pretty much were able to catch up with the PC players.

    No need to make the Broker platform specific.

    That is pretty much a non issue.