Cross Platform?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Serevin, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Eminence Dedicated Player

    It would be a very humbling experience for pc players if they fell into a wt with these ps3 pvpers
  2. Deathmark New Player

    And again..this is exactly why i was against the forums merging. This kind of crap. I don't know how SOE didn't think this was gonna happen.

    It's so ingrained in some of us i guess, this desire to feel part of a tribe, to belong to something, and then fight over it. Pathetic.

    You migth want to consider anyway that it is a lot easier to combo clip fast with a keyboard then it is with a gamepad. There's no shoulder buttons involved. Also in terms of turning the view around, a mouse can't be beat in speed. So... personally i don't care either way, because it's all petty rivalry, but i'm just saying i'm not sure at all what you say is true. Not sure at all.
  3. Righteously New Player

    LoooooooL ;)
  4. Eminence Dedicated Player

    You sound hurt, its just a game. Ppl like you r the reason why no1 can have any kind of fun on the forums. Lame.
    No matter how fast u can clip or how much damage u can do, it doesnt get kills. Playing smart with experience is key.
  5. BumblingB I got better.

    As people stated, the limitations of the PS3 is what is holding back and probably will keep it that way. If it was merged though, it would be chaos for a long time. Considering the chaos that is already happening on these merged forums. lol The biggest hurdle would be the economy. Which, would be wrecked because as stated, the PS3 is the worst off. EUPC has Thousands, USPC has Millions, USPS3 has Billions. An equalibrium would be found eventually, but not sure what would happen after the dust settles.

    Only fix to that would be a cap and a money reset, but good luck getting people to accept that short of:

    Hotfix xx-xx-xx.
    A hotfix was introduced at server restarts this morning. Players may notice these changes.
    >All currency was reset to 0, including ones in emails.
    >All GMs are told to ignore all tickets as there is nothing they can do to fix it.

    Sure, would lose a lot of players, but hey, we are now even and have to start all over building our empire from the same level. :)
  6. Eminence Dedicated Player

    I really dont think in game cash would be the reason why they wouldnt merge. All a pc player would have to do is put one good collection in the ah.
  7. BumblingB I got better.

    Bwahahahahaha. That would be a swing and a miss. I'm talking community merging there. The technical aspects is probably what is keeping them seperate. Sure, I could make 100 million from the PS3 players, but when you look at it, on the US economy, the most expensive thing right now is 25 million. That means someone has more than 25 mill on the US side. In other words, the dominate people will be PS3 who would probably buy up all the rare stuff and reput them up out of the hands of the PC people. Thus creating another disconnect between the community.
  8. Eminence Dedicated Player

    U said the biggest hurdle would b the economy... that wouldnt b a factor at all.
  9. BumblingB I got better.

    Reading a whole post and not taking it out of context will go a long way. I also said Choas if it got merged. Never said technical side.
  10. Eminence Dedicated Player

    Lol y so serious? Its obviously ps3 limitations. Pc needs a wartog or even a mista e.
  11. BumblingB I got better.

    Because my mommy didn't love me and left...

    Too serious?

    Because people love to argue for the sake of agrument?

    Because context matters?

    Because the English language is obviously too hard to spell out words that are only three letters?


  12. Jafin 10000 Post Club



    How to spot a PS3 player from a PC player.
  13. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    In all fairness we had our fair share of illiterati on the PC boards too :)
  14. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I must have had my rose tinted glasses on :p
  15. BumblingB I got better.

    In their defense, a lot of them were not from English speaking countries. At least they tried. :)
  16. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    I used to laugh at that little "please excuse my English" thing on Oasenhoheit's posts. They speak English better than a lot of people I know in real life :)
  17. BumblingB I got better.

    lol Right? :D

    Has oasenhoheit transitioned? I'm afraid the ps3 flood gets rid of a lot of good posts fast.
  18. Thedarkn1ght New Player

    PC players would have too much of an advantage, they tried to this with Counter Strike and it was super unfair. Unless you let PS3 players play with Mouse and Keyboard.
  19. Rexx Everything New Player

    Smedley addressed this in an interview around launch time. Amazingly, it turns out the main reason the platforms were kept separate was because of a billing issue.

    The full interview is here, and below is the relevant quote:

    Eurogamer: To clarify: is DC Universe cross-platform - can PC gamers play with PS3 gamers?

    John Smedley: Technically speaking it is. However, the servers are separated, and largely they're separated for business reasons. Practically speaking, on the PC, you have to have a Station Account. On the PlayStation 3 you have to have a PSN account. Things are separated mainly for those reasons. Actually, up until very recently, internally, everybody was playing on one sever together and it's actually quite fun.
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  20. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    Haven't seen them, but I suppose its still early days. I can't imagine the guys from Odyssey staying away for too long.