Creating DCUO 2

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Patriarch Defense, Apr 2, 2015.

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  1. Patriarch Defense Active Player

    Since the Unreal Engine 4 is free. I'll be starting the processes of creating DCUO 2 with combat mechanics similar to the Arkham Asylum games. I've been bored recently with how DCUO game style is and I think a brand new game with better combat mechanics will have players really feel like a DCU hero/villain. It will be several months to come and putting a team together. Since I am going to school for this might as well start somewhere and why not on a game that I think could go leaps and bounds beyond DCUO ever could. I'll post pics on the months to come.
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  2. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    Sounds like a nice idea, but also sounds like a LOT of LOTS of work. If it indeed come out I'd like to see how it is.
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  3. Niguyver New Player

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  4. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

    One giant issue with you trying to make a DCUO 2. You need to talk to Warner Brothers/DC to be able to use their license in the game you are creating. As much as it'd be cool to see you do this, you aren't taking into account all of the legal hurdles you have to go through to make a DC Universe Online 2.
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  5. Niguyver New Player

    you going to go through alot
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  6. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    Actually, it's not Free.

    Quote from the Unreal Engine site (check far on the bottom of the page):
    "The 5% royalty starts after the first $3,000 of revenue per product per quarter."

    So it's a business decision that the Suits in Daybreak need to evaluate.
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  7. tinoman Dedicated Player

    i'd like to be a gm for your game :)
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  8. Patriarch Defense Active Player

    Yes it will be a lot of work but i'm driven and I think putting a solid team together will help smooth out this processes. I'm going to try to put a really big team together. Also I'm going to have no dedicated role's to power. So if you wanted to be a tank Gadget player you can do so, and be able to switch roles on the fly and give the players a chance to play how they want to play.
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  9. Patriarch Defense Active Player

    I'll start making a list of people interested in this long effort in creating something that will change the way DC makes MMO's with there brand on it.
  10. Patriarch Defense Active Player

    I also want players to feel like they can be as awesome as batman and have that combat mechanic that will showcase his fighting style
  11. ShadowStyleB New Player

    First before anything it is like someone said you need to get the legal stuff out of the way first before you waste the time making a game that won't see the light of day. Second thing is you need to write a story of how the game is going to start and goals you need as the game progresses if you are going the MMO route.
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  12. Patriarch Defense Active Player

    This I know. I'll have to first present the game to Unreal first to put some real money behind it and if they like it they will support the game with $$$. Once I have that I'll work with getting it showed to Warner Bro's and getting green light from them. I know their is going to be a lot of red tape at first but i know what i'm stepping into when I decided to give this dream a reality.
  13. Patriarch Defense Active Player

    I'm going to stick very close to the comic books and give the characters the chance to actually relive those stories. I also have an idea that will give players their origins. Also i want to give Lanterns justice to their origin by starting them off in Oa.
  14. ShadowStyleB New Player

    Might want to use that determination and create something new and unique that you won't have to worry about the history of the characters or a license to try and acquire.
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  15. Patriarch Defense Active Player

    I'll probably get a lot of hate from it too, and a lot of well DCUO didn't come out of release as a ready game and lacked and still lacks a lot of stuff that needed to be in the game at launch. So this will take years in the making to get everything just right and hopefully balanced.
  16. Patriarch Defense Active Player

    Thats true but at the same time I want the hardcore comic book lovers to really feel like they are playing out their favorite story arch.
  17. Patriarch Defense Active Player

    its actually 10% royalties but if I can get Unreal behind the game i'm ok with that 10%
  18. ShadowStyleB New Player

    Sounds to me you're making a game closer to what Marvel had instead of a create your own character. Sounds good but not a very popular MMO style.
  19. BumblingB I got better.

    You do realize that you wouldn't be able to use the name "DC Universe Online" let alone "DC" name or characters, right? Licensing is expensive.
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  20. Patriarch Defense Active Player

    I hoping I create a happy medium for both player base that is something that will be looked at heavily on what will appeal to both player bases.
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