Up-Votes Needed Crashing in Lair Frequently

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by NovaRandom, Jun 3, 2023.

  1. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    Every since the last Game Update 135 i crash frequently in my lair base. Like back to back crashes loggin in, being in my base and running content then crashing, just standing there at the broker after teleporting to my base etc....Those issues would only usually happen in HOL at least a couple times a day spread out across all my toons but it happened like 7 times in an hour on one character just doing stuff in my base, whether it was sending mail or putting stuff on the broker or even changing a style. Lots of crashes for no reason in the lair.
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  2. Zamara Dedicated Player

    Been on for less than an hour today, crashed 3 times already, crashed a few times in the morning, this last time i was picking between my options in a resurgence capsule, had the crash screen pop up right as i was deciding what to get, came back to the default option sitting in my inventory, RIP to that furious material i almost got.
  3. NovaRandom Well-Known Player