CR Skip - Nintendo Switch

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Littlejaytee16, Jan 12, 2020.

  1. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    First of all, thank you Dev Team for the abundance of gifts this week. We all appreciate them.

    I don't want to sound unappreciative, but why does the Nintendo Switch community only get a Skip to CR 100 and not CR 250?

    Since the game dropped in August, I think it would be fair to say that our community felt an aggressive push to get us all to end game content as fast as possible so we would be on the same events / release schedule as everyone else. Thus, most regular players are already at CR 280 and above on their main toons.

    Just like every with every other community, our older episodes are like ghost towns. Nobody ques for older instances (aside from duos), and getting a group together to run older instances takes forever... it's practically a lost cause.

    Giving someone CR 100 at this time is like dropping them in limbo. I doubt there will be enough players using it to actually improve the ques for older instances. Instead they'll just be using their CR 100 toons in related solo missions and event versions of the latest episodes until they get caught up.

    I understand that any CR Skip is better than none at all, (so thank you, again) but why not just give us the higher CR skip like the other communities? Isn't that where you want us?
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  2. BreakerXI New Player

    Fully agree. I think the Dev team's intentions were good when only giving us the skip to cr 100 but the Switch server is in need of more end game players.

    As someone who has been playing since August there were large portions of the games alerts and raids that I ignored until I reached end game cr.

    I'd expect the new people at cr 100 to do the same and alts of current end game players even more so.
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  3. Xibo Loyal Player

    NS should simply merge with PC/PS4 users.
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  4. Aluka New Player

    agree, playing on switch is amazing, but the population has started to wince down to the point where even the watchtower feels like a ghost town at times. Im even downloading it on pc and ps4 to test them out and see if i settle down on one of them because i dread the moment when i have to farm feats on lower lv content
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  5. BreakerXI New Player

    The nice addition of more players to the Switch is quickly outweighed by the terrible broken economy of pc/ps4
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    They don't want heaps of players, especially one that's more in its infancy skipping all the content and never going back to it. Giving everyone a CR250 skip token wouldn't have fixed the dead earlier content, it would have made it even worse.
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  7. High Troller Loyal Player

  8. Isif Committed Player

    Just be happy that you guys don't have the gold seller plague. Enjoy your closed economy that hasn't been wrecked by parasitic spam bots. Pretty sure the infection date started with PS/PC merge. Just a theory.o_O
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  9. Brit Loyal Player

    I am subscribed on Switch, and it is literally for one reason only. I was able to get names on the Switch that I had previously had and then lost with megaserver and PC/PS mergers. I sub'd and now I just have to wait for an eventual Switch merger so that I can take those names back from the long-gone players who took them from me. Then I will delete my Switch characters to free the names, and rename my PC characters back to what they were originally.

    So there is at least one person on the Switch who eagerly awaits the day that it merges in.
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  10. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    What are the names of your toons in the NS community? I may have run into you guys before.

    You can feel it too, huh? Since around mid point of Metal Part I you could feel our community start to die down. That's when instances for even the latest episode starting becoming more and more difficult to que for.

    Things have picked up a bit since the end of the Holiday season and the Anniversary event hit, so I'm hoping people stay around this time.
  11. Aluka New Player

    my toon name is Aluka, same like my forum name. you might have seen me xD im the satyr boy with a deadman hoodie. im always hanging out in the watchtower after clearing my dailies XP
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  12. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    Hmmm. I don't think I've run into you before, then again I don't hang out in the Watchtower much. My toon's name is Bullzeyez. I'm usually on early evenings or really late nights (Pacific time). Maybe i"ll see you in game.
  13. Brit Loyal Player

    First and foremost, I got back the name "Great Brit" (in comparison to my PC character "Great Brit_PC1". /sigh).
    I also got a few others that I appreciated. "Miss Match", "Lightning Lady", and "Phenomenal Lass". Though Brit is the most important one, and pretty much the reason why I pay for the sub. That name was the one I was so attached to that even when I lost it, I wouldn't use the rename and settle for something else, instead sporting the annoying _tag.

    I tried to get a couple of others that I really wanted, but they were already claimed. I've been shooting a few in-game mails here and there to see if the people who got them would be willing to trade them away, but no luck so far.
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    they should make a absorption wear it if an account that is free to play has not been touched in 6-12 months then the name should be fair game to take
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  15. BreakerXI New Player

    Even with the current anniversary content the Switch has definitley hit another slow down and this time I'm afraid it may be related to the CR Skip. CR 100 players are struggling to find anyone to run cr appropriate content with. The double source marks weekend helped slightly but event queues are not what they used to be so even doing those daily has become more hit and miss than in the past.

    I don't think CR 255 on Switch would've made the game too top heavy. It would've simply allowed new players more options of content to run, which is ultimately what you want when you're paying for something.

    I'm not sure how much time the devs are spending on Switch server but I hope they are at least open to the idea of changing this in the near future, since I'm sure if they have looked closely enough the skip is probably not having the effect they intended.
  16. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    Yeah, I've been running into a few players in open world areas who just used the CR 100 Skip. As you said, they're having a tough time getting someone to run older content with them. I've been running lots of duos with them just to help out, but when you're already at CR 289, it actually takes quite a bit of effort not to Rambo through it... even a simple weapons attack one shots the ads.

    But back to your original point, just yesterday in the Watchtower people were getting a group together to run the Phoenix Cannon Raid and the chat box was pretty live.... everyone joking around...... all of a sudden a voice shouted, "Area 51 anyone????????? anyone???????" Nobody responded. Not a word. It was as if the guy didn't exist.

    It was kind of funny, but also kind of sad.