CR requirements in Future content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Serj, Jan 9, 2015.

  1. Serj Committed Player

    has always bothered me, while I understand the reasoning behind the numbers(letting more players compete) it makes no sense to me, to put a minimum cr requirement as the last DLC on this next one. atleast make it 108 and 110.

    let's review:
    for lockdown, no one would actually manage well as 106, cr requirement is 100
    current cr cap is 111

    elite raid requires 107, and is meant for the hardcore players... isn't that kind of a double standard? i mean if you are a hardcore player wouldn't you be 111 ages ago?

    so yea... is that just me or :confused:

  2. Delta795 New Player

    Beat all the new content well before getting to 108
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  3. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    It is your imagination that past raids could not be completed by a full group of people all at the minimum CR. Just because it's not the greater percentage of players that could do that, or even likely with a pug, doesn't mean they should raise the minimum.
  4. Deepeess New Player

    This, AnB/scion gear is more than enough to beat Lockdown even.
  5. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I thought that was strange too, also they didnt announce the new max CR even with the 102 helm dropping. But minimum is minimum. Its not like someone with 107 cr is going to be accepted into any group trying to do the elite raid. Especially a 107 dps
  6. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    If I’m not mistaken, the CR requirements are set so that someone can skip every other DLC.

    Simply put, if someone just wants to run the “large group content” or the “small group/solo content” DLCs then they can do so without being punished for skipping the DLCs in between.
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  7. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    Dont understand your Lockdown comment, last night ran with my 111 troll, a 111 one else over 105. 0 wipes. Ran it on my 104 dps monday, no issue.
  8. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Meanwhile on USPS Villian side, 111cr players are still getting destroyed by the Warrior in Wave lol.

    Random Queues are painful sometimes when you level up alts.
  9. Remander Steadfast Player

    This is precisely why.
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  10. Serj Committed Player

  11. Serj Committed Player

    that's understandable, but by doing that they are creating another problem while making more opprotunities for players to do such content. those same players might be able to join but not neccesseraly finish it, there are far to many low sp players with undergeared toons and no skill to have this requirement.

    especialy when it comes to something like survival mode/elite raids that are meant for the most hardcore players(you know, the ones that have max gear and alot of sp, and can actually hold their own).
    this casual catering towards everyone should be able to run everything has to stop. there is a point in time where as i said, it makes no sense to let those players in and then watch them leave because they can't complete it. it's like a pre-determined slap to the face...

    atleast with higher cr requierment that slap will be less painful to those players lol.
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  12. chipzes Committed Player

    Since I hope the new raids will be somewhat difficult even for 111 characters, I really hope they will be near unbeatable for fresh WotL2 skippers without new gear. Honestly I would have set the entry barrier so that WotL2 players could get started right away and skippers would at least have to gear up a bit in the alerts to get there.
    New raids shouldn't be balanced for skippers but for fully geared characters, if they are smoothly beatable by characters with old gear then they can't be appropriately challenging for up to date ones. However I do expect the two easier raids to be quite easy for 111 teams with at least mediocre communication and pretty damn hard for 108 teams with HoP gear, as well as the hard one to actually be decently hard for 111s and the elite one to be quite challenging even in 100+ gear.