[Content Design] How to make it good!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Yvtq8k3n The 7, Sep 17, 2021.

  1. Yvtq8k3n The 7 Well-Known Player

    1) Every role matter. If you just plainly do your job in a given encounter then its bad design!
    Should require to do stuff other then tanking damage. Spliting Bosses, tanking charges, lunging mechanic,
    become invulnerable, position/pin, avoid 1 shots to the team.
    Should require to not always heal, but instead to take charges, heal over dots, forced to be in constant moviment, block, give 8 sheilds to the group as mechanic.
    Debuffing is a really important job, but I think it needs a shake up. I dont think a troll should even have a rotation(1-2-3), but instead be forced to save its debuffs for the situation. Troll attack debuff could be used to prevent a scripted 1 shot from wiping the group while forcing us to block. I think the heal debuff should really matter and it should appear more often(even if i hate the heals):3 Giving the ability for trolls to provide some crowd control with lazzo arti is a plus.
    DPS dont matter. If a raid has a burn check as design it is a terrible raid. I think this game needs incentive coordination in orbital checks then dps checks. DPS should be the ones forced to keep constatly moving, do mechanics, but more important no pew pew. Adds died? Good bring them back. Boss is getting melted? Great time for massive aeo refleting damage taken. Force dps's to do room mechanics exactly as RWe Zoom, just dont make a pew pew raid.

    2) Two roles for the job!
    Every raid should require at least 2 tanks. Either be for boss splitting, room mechanic, or managing adds.
    Every raid should require always 2 healers and each should provide support for each respective tank.
    We dont see 2 trolls in a while. I think 1 troll is ok, but pushing players towards a dps/troll build in adition to your regular troll would make this game more interesting.
    Every dps should be readly available to perform their support role in case something happens. I think there should be both prec(ST) and might(AEO) builds and they should be advertised as such.

    3) Group splits
    Every suport role should be present in each group.

    4) Combat system, Moving, Dodging, Rolling, Coordinated BackUps call
    We need more dodging, rolling and moviment. I think HiveE Deathstroke is a great example of the what a encounter should be. We need more like that.
    • Like x 3
  2. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Huge emphasis on #3 IMO, all good but that alone is what made FOS2 such a good raid. That split should have and could have been way tougher tho. Its just tank-n-spank but still better then most of what we got
  3. zNot Loyal Player

    Yea i loved that and carrying the sunstone to the location was also great.
  4. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    1. I'm not sure I get the whole logic here. Do all roles matter or not? If the Damage per seconds doesn't matter, why have a damage role? The problem isn't the DPSes, it's the raid mechanics not being engaging enough and stimulating. Edit: Nevermind this point, misunderstood what you meant!
    2. The point of roles is to let people choose what they want to do. We shouldn't be forcing people to play support roles or to DPS.
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  5. Saami Loyal Player

    I like/dislike all of this.

    Why i like it: It makes raids more fun for premade and veteran groups.
    Why i dislike it: It makes raids very difficult to pug.

    My suggestion is to put these changes for normal difficulty raids and let event/low cr difficulty raids be as they are now. There could be some feats and titles for completing normal raids.
  6. zNot Loyal Player

    I agree with the purple coloured statement you did.

    Regarding DPS shouldnt matter i think he wants to so that Damage dealers shouldnt influence the difficulty via damage checks and the DPS centric designs to the degree like they are atm which i fully agree with OP. (For Elite raids)
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  7. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    Oh got it! I misunderstood what he meant.
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