Confirmed new powers?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Balistical Ice, Jan 21, 2021.

  1. TheWrecker Well-Known Player

  2. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Yes but this isn't going to happen any time soon so as Mepps was trying to do, temper your expectations in the near future. It doesnt mean you can't look forward to new powers in the future. Just not the immediate.
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  3. Dragon Power Well-Known Player

    No offense, but...what have you all been doing at Daybreak/DI up until Eg7 bought you guys? Is Eg7 a real gaming company or just one of those investment holding parent companies? Is the depth and quality of the updates ever going to improve with this game? Can we get some actual big changes, expansions, and upgrades like other mmos get. It's been 10 years. I don't want to hear any pandemic excuses. I've tried to be nice up until now because I've appreciated you Mepps and the devs and I wanted to give this game one last chance to see what future plans would be revealed post-anniversary. You guys hyped it up so much, but all these post-anniversary articles and releases coming out about DCUO's future is really falling disappointingly flat. Really bad messaging, all the way from the intro, to the lead up, to the anniversary, and post-anniversary. Too much vagueness, sidestepping, hopefulness, woulds, coulds, and maybes, or 'no current plans'. And lots of silence too - I had to dig for articles and interviews on 3rd party news sites for some kind of info, which wasn't much info to begin with.

    I'm starting to think that DC and/or WB are just really out of touch with video gaming, this game, and it's playerbase, and just looking at DCUO narrow mindedly through the lens of the pay-to-win sales numbers (time capsule/artifact stuff/replays, etc) and not looking at or caring about the game's integrity. They're not really seeing how much the game badly needs changes/updating and how bad it's truly become. They are just looking at it as a pay-to-win cash cow, nevermind the game's integrity and how many of it's players hate what's it become. Otherwise either DC/WB would have intervened by now and not let this game become what it is. The DC IP deserves better. It all starts at the top. Or just shut it down and be done with it if this as good as it's ever going to get. Make a DCUO2 and properly design it so it's easy to expand and fix.

    Can you sit here, as a player, and tell me with a straight face that you don't mind the unreasonably heavy artifact grind, or the pay to win model of the time capsules/replay badge/buying mark currency on marketplace, or how they always find new ways to raise vendor mark prices and their grind time (currently with the obnoxiously heavy grinding of world bounty time beacons/aether), all the reused content, and the need for a spreadsheet in order to figure out and keep track of all the excessively repetitive feats in order to gain a fraction of a skill point? Not fixing things that should be fixed like UI and QOL changes? How about fixing PvP? Fixing PvP isn't just about fixing PvP to appease the PvP crowd. Not fixing and investing in PvP is a missed marketing and revenue opportunity. Look at how popular esports tournaments have become in other MMOs/other games. How about not getting a proper expansion or big update like other MMOs get? These small episode updates are not enough. You'd be straight up lying if you're okay with any of this. LYING. All this stuff does is tarnish the game's integrity. I'm sorry, all the dissatisfaction I've been having lately with the game has been slowly building up and I needed to release it.
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  4. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    If they would fix powers and powersets little fixes each month. People would have to learn how to play all over again. Unfortunately they do not make fixes to powersets/powers fast enough so the player base wants new powersets now like right now. Maybe we could pay for the fixes if they add the hot fixes as a drop in the time caps. If we get a hot fix drop. we open it pick which powerset we want to apply it to and enjoy playing that powerset for a few weeks longer a win win here for us and the devs. Im down for power/powerset hot fix drops in time caps better then nothing. Gotta fix what we already have before we make new powersets anyways right.
  5. TheWrecker Well-Known Player

    Not mad at all brother I wish you nothing but the best. I just hope you're wrong. Regardless even if a new power doesn't come out this year he guaranteed there would be a new power in future. I've been playing since the day it went free to play, coming up quick on 10 years, so I'll be around when that new power comes out.
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    The point I'm expressing though is that Khalon isn't wrong per se, just going down the wrong track.

    Even though I said what I did you have to understand that Jack is never going to do what I said and nor should he, so don't take what I said the wrong way.

    I will admit Jack's probably raised expectations a bit and it would possibly be useful for him to jump on and clarify his vision around where powers are heading, but don't jump on Mepps simply because he's trying to temper those raised expectations, he's also just doing his job correctly I might add.

    It would be useful though if people read between the lines a little sometimes though rather than taking everything quite so literally, it was rather obvious Jack was and is excited about the game, he was being interviewed about 10 years of success and was in the moment sharing a bit of his desires and future vision for the game that includes new powers.

    Read into that what you will but I'd suggest doing it in a reasonable manner that isn't just omg omg omg Jack guaranteed more powers, I want pink lanterns, I want blue lanterns, I want lava, I want win, I want shadows, i want candyfloss pink fairy powers, gimme gimme gimme lol.

    It takes time, sometimes lots of time, who knows, what's nice is at least knowing they'd like too, so there's hope at least rather than a flat out, sorry, no more powers, ever. :)
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  7. TheWrecker Well-Known Player

    But it's going to happen! That makes me happy!
  8. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Hey man I think everyone was happy when he said that. We'd all like new powers. But we need to be reasonable about it is all.

    When this game was cranking out powers I believe they had a little more help behind the scenes to do so. Now with a new company leading the way and maybe some more backing and new hires who knows whats coming.
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  9. Kaegrin Well-Known Player

    Be honest with me, Mepps. How badly did you cringe when you read that quote of Jack's?

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  10. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Same'll be a nice surprise when it does happen. I just don't see it right now.
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  11. Magnificent Loyal Player

    You realize your boss intimated it was a bit more of a priority than that in his interview to MMORPG, right?

    While it's not stating new powers are in progress right now nor even is it saying "these are our ideas for new powers, what do you think", it is saying in concrete enough terms that they will happen. That's much more definitive than a "maybe" or a "we would like to but...".
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  12. Kaegrin Well-Known Player

    Oh... He knows. Believe me, he knows.
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  13. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    In 2015, water was announced . in 2017, water came out.
    I think the players like info teasers , we know it takes time to release it for the dcuo gameplay . So we know it's in the future. Even, the JE mentioned guaranteed powers are coming out. Wow, it been awhile for new powers.
    Then JE said they are going to work on new powers. Well, powers seem like it's in the works.
    However, dcuo is not going to tease it yet
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  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I work in IT and have a boss who will sit in a meeting with the C suite types and I'll be in there too and when he starts spouting off about a project being 'done' that's really like 5% started....or how something we implemented works 'flawlessly' in testing and will be pushed out the next quarter, its all I can do to not laugh out loud....or cry... It depends on how much of the fallout will drop on me when reality rears it's head.

    So yeah, you are probably right and Mepps had a big handprint on his forehead for a few hours from the 'smack' he likely delivered himself.
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  15. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    We need a Jackster & Mepps sitcom.
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  16. Kaegrin Well-Known Player

    Oh, I know I'm right. I too have done the Corporate-Developer Two-Step.
  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'm picturing one of them (not sure who) looking like Col Klink yelling "Hoooo-Gan!" or the 'Odd Couple'...Hmmm... who's the slob and who's the neat freak in that one?
  18. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Honestly, this is a bad take.

    A game like this will only survive by regularly adding customization options people want and looking visually appealing/relevant. It's a no-brainer that new powersets have to happen at some point. Which is what many of us have been trying to explain to the many of you resisting that reality.

    What Mepps has done regularly is remind players that there are no *current* plans for new powers at the time of his respective posts. As much as many of you wanted to interpret it as such, that's never been an outright definitive "there will not be new powers added ever again". Over the last few months several other devs have also weighed in about their interest in prioritizing Iconics over full powersets because of their own developer related reasons (which are well beyond most players understanding btw). I believe Meg and Charon did, and Panderus did also. They were essentially repeating the same talking point nearly word for word when they made those posts. There's nothing nefarious about that at all btw, it's simply everyone on the team being aware players want X and knowing that when they discuss the issue publicly, they must repeat the company's official position at that moment; A position that can change at any time or may have already changed internally without them being specifically aware depending on their respective roles and how compartmentalized their workflows are.

    Now, in these interviews Jack, the CEO, has definitively confirmed that they understand from a macro perspective that new powers need to happen at some point and has guaranteed they will happen. No one thinks it will happen next month or even in the year. Just that it will have to happen and will be put on their board at some point. Personally, I'd speculate 2022 or after is realistic considering they talked about refreshing existing powersets, they're updating the game for next gen consoles and now maybe also working on iconics this year in addition to DLCs.

    Mepps is not a dev, he's a community manager. He's the liaison between the community and the dev team. He relays our interests to them, and relays their official positions on various topics back to us. He only communicates what he's able to and he doesn't make policy or the decisions himself. Panderus even is an executive producer ... super important role, yes. However, in the game industry that title is functionally like a sr. project manager making sure assets and systems gets literally produced he's the guy chasing people for deliverables but he's not calling the shots on the direction of the game in his role. There is no creative director anymore (right now). Jack on the other hand is the CEO and in charge of all of it. Him and the [absent] creative director set the agenda. If they say something is happening or planned, then it is. It's (at best) condescending to dismiss the CEO's guarantee in an interview as him being enthusiastic or "getting ahead of himself". Even if he's "enthusiastic", he's the biggest fan of the actual superhero genre on the staff and he's the one in charge.
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  19. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    No matter how you guys read it. Jackster confirmed new powers. Guaranteed it. Mepps stated that it was just an idea that they would like to work on in the future. Those two statments are very different.

    Also I'm not blowing it out of proportion. Mepps said nothing wrong and theres no need to bash him. All I'm saying is the communication is wildly perceptible given what was said.
  20. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I'm not "resisting" anything. I'm just not getting worked up or setting myself up for disappointment the way some people do with a few words in an interview from Jack. I temper my expectations on the reality that right now, there are no plans for powers. The future is the future, and I look forward to it, but i'm not getting ready to pull out the pitchfork and torch when 3, 6, 9 months from now we haven't seen any movement on new power sets.

    A lot of other people on the other hand are already expecting something on the horizon...and that's a recipe for major self-inflicted disappointment. When I see an announcement about something hitting Test Server THEN it becomes real. In the meanwhile, I do look forward to some of the other things Panderus & Charon have mentioned that they would like to do. But i'll do so with expectations set accordingly...i'm not going to start hounding them just because they haven't delivered on our timetable.
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