Confirmation boxes

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Statman, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. Statman New Player

    Seeing as how it's been a few updates since you put all of these on vendors and stuff, any chance you can put it back on the Marketplace? I hate accidentally opening it, then having to wait 20 seconds for it to actually open - why does it even take so long to load?!

    This has been asked for a lot in the past, time to get some action, or at least a response about it.
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  2. Poo New Player

  3. Jake IX New Player

    I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

    Maybe the text box that pops up to confirm something?
  4. MercPony Devoted Player

    Yes that is what he means.
  5. Tule New Player

    The marketplace used to have a confirmation button that said "Are you sure you want to open the marketplace" or something similar. I was really annoyed when they took it away because it made you open it a lot on accident, but after complaints they adjusted the amount of time you have to be on that icon for it to open, so I have no problems with it at all right now. But maybe some still do.
  6. Statman New Player

    Yeah this is exactly it (for those who misunderstood), there was once a confirmation box for entering the marketplace. It'd be awesome if it came back.
  7. TrueOlympus New Player

    There was a thread long ago, titled "Put the Button Back!" or something similar. had over like 80 likes. wonder what happened to it.
  8. Sbel Devoted Player

    o_O But there was no way to say no, so what was the point of it?
  9. Statman New Player

    You could just push circle to go out of it on the PS3 (how you go back on anything), and PC can use the X in the top corner. It was always useful. Saves waiting 20 seconds for the marketplace to actually load, only to close it and go to the menu you actually want.
  10. BlackSuperGirl Committed Player

  11. Sbel Devoted Player

    There was? :eek: Huh, I never noticed it. Thanks, lol.