Computo Pet Dps

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Frxx, Aug 12, 2022.

  1. Frxx New Player

    Alright so i been thinking , since pets help fill the prec bar, would a full pet build work with (Computo,Quislet,Mercy) . Quislet for supercharge might and prec , since he’s basically a mini supercharge, mercy so RSK hits harder and helps fill more prec . OR would a Trans,Quislet,Computo, rotation work while still having RSK in tray , just dealing less dmg tho and popping henchmen and trinket pet on rotation work? Both builds full might spec and throw in weapon taps and/or clips in between each power used.
  2. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    If you're just wondering if that setup effectively builds up Computo to hit more often (or at leas build up Precision bar fast), it does. It's been a few months (so I didn't experience the latest changes to Computo), but I used Munitions (fast for building Might damage bar), Quislet, and Grimoreum Verum, and my Precision bar filled at a pace on par with my Might. I suspect Mercy would perform better than the Grim, as you'd benefit from an empowered Robot Sidekick and the luxury of having the trinket pet virtually up at all times.

    At the time, however, this setup was not comparable to the meta of Trans and Strat, so I abandoned it. It was an expensive trial, and I personally would neither recommend or try again. That being said, the new change to Computo and the Mercy arttifact might make this approach a little more competitive, which may not be something you care about, and if this is a style of play you want, always feel free to try what you want to do.

    I would caution against this setup because it limits your power bar dramatically. Consider that the Computo and Mercy both require a spot in your power bar, and you'll want a supercharge for Quislet and Robot Sidekick, which leaves you with ONLY 2 attacks to use against enemies. Sure, Pet DPS builds might only use 2 powers, but they use, mostly, ST spammable moves (to proc Source Shard). I assume you'd want some with more AOE damage to build up the Might bar on Computo fast.

    You also suggested the use of Trans, Quislet, and Computo, but in my experience, the Quislet/Robot Sidekick combination didn't fill up the precision damage bar as quickly as I felt it was needed.
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  3. Frxx New Player

    Ty so much lol thought ppl would skip over this . Very much needed you’re reply
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