Comparison between boosted vs. fully geared players

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Clutchmeister, Jan 14, 2016.

  1. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    There's been a lot of debate recently regarding the existence of stat boosts in arenas, the main reason that the people against it use is that it is an insult to older players and that it invalidates time put into the game as boosted players are close to performing as well as players in full gear + mods + high skillpoints.

    This thread will contain the results of some testing that me and my league mate Talve carried out today to investigate the truth behind this statement.

    The Method

    The method behind this testing was to test the total healing and damage per second (DPS) that players were capable of when they were boosted, and when they were fully geared + mods + skill points (160 for DPS, 193 for healer).

    It's worth nothing that this was without trolls providing power to either player, which would have only served to further the gap if a boosted/full gear troll was used.

    The Player Stats

    DPS stats (boosted on left, full gear on right)

    [IMG] [IMG]

    Healer stats (boosted first)


    The results

    Even before looking at the numbers, it was clear that boosted players are severely out performed in comparison with players that are fully geared, modded and with skillpoints assigned (even with just 160 SP for the DPS).

    To start with, the DPS that was achieved on average was:

    1609.3 for the boosted DPS

    3453.3 for the fully geared DPS

    As for the healer, the total healing achieved:

    47,441 for the boosted healer vs. fully geared DPS

    72,453 for the fully geared healer vs. fully geared DPS

    The damage the healer did also went up, the average achieved was:

    1452.2 for the boosted healer

    2035.2 for the fully geared healer

    This means for the DPS, there was a 53.4 percent increase on the damage they were doing per second. For the healer, there was a 34.5 percentage increase on the total healing achieved. The damage the healer did also went up 28.6 percent.

    As stated earlier on, it's also worth noting how these differences would only be increased further when playing in teams of boosted vs geared players. Controllers would be providing more power, this would result in DPS being able to maintain their damage for longer as well as healers being able to heal more. Even little things such as the large vita increase results in more power back from weapon attacks, from your breakout innates and from power regen supercharges.


    It is clear that having gear, mods and skillpoints it's FAR superior at performing your roles' duties than simply running with boosted stats, showing a 53.4% increase in performance for DPS and 34.5% increase in performance for healers alone.

    This means that the following statements are not true:
    • Grinding for gear is pointless
    • Grinding for gear isn't worth it
    • Experienced players aren't rewarded for their effort
    • New/boosted players are on a competitive level with those who have farmed their gear/mods/skillpoints
    • Boosting is an insult to experienced/veteran players
    In conclusion, this means that grinding gear is most definitely necessary if you want to able to perform your role's duties properly and do provide a sizable advantage over boosted stats.

    Graphs and videos for anyone that is interested

    • Like x 56
  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Great post!
    • Like x 5
  3. TRELL1 Well-Known Player

    This post is a great way to show the advantages A fully geared vet has over entry players.
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  4. Vaper Level 30

    Yeah it really is.
    Stat boost is a good thing. Makes it's fair for a new player , also make's it more fair / fun for alts than the old way ever did.

    Sure I like to play around in arena with a low lvl alt, sometimes I beat a lvl 30 with good gear, other times an even lower lvl than me will destroy me, but I love that :) this makes it more fun. Bottom line is this system ( stat boosting) is more fair and significantly more skill based. Truth be tolld, yeah If I lose to a player with lesser gear than me I dont really think about the numbers/ stats. I just believe he outplayed me and I gota learn what was done to me for next time.
    the thread that got locked I wanted to quote some of the guys there that know what they talking about,I just play for fun so this is only my opinion, and I'l say it as I see it.

    Nothing worse than a pumped up maxed toon beasting on a new player and thinking he good.....
    .....till he got outplayed right ? I see this as a valid point, not trying to troll, incase i get flayed.

    I wont be able to go any further with anyone who may ask me to provide 'example' for my opinion here, but I think it wont be too unfair to say I have some moderate experience with the 1's queue and I see it all in there really.

    Regards to all.
    • Like x 1
  5. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Awesome post. Always hated seeing players complain about this, when in reality all it did was make things closer for a fresh PVP player rather than make gearing obsolete. It's a lot easier to sell PVP to a new player when they at least have some buffed stats to help them fight a fully geared player.
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  6. SrirachaMayn Well-Known Player

    ty for taking the time to do this. i never understood the cries about boosting entry lvl toons. there are obvious advantages a fully geared, modded, and high sp toon would have over a new toon. the problems before, werent the stats that one had but instead, it was the imbalance of powers and weapon attacks. both of which toons would have had access to one or the other. if not both. if a vet gets beat by a lower lvl toon, imo, he was always just outskilled. plain and simple.
  7. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Breathe life into this thread. *breathes

    Seriously, this thread has too much info to die so soon.
  8. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    Amazing how people still hate stat boosts after this thread came out. Or maybe not.
  9. ZypherUSPC Committed Player

    I'm glad it's pinned. If the people that don't understand why stat boosting is necessary took about 10 minutes to read this it becomes very clear very quickly.
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  10. Klownnuke Active Player

    Stat boosting is fine. Stat CLAMPING needs to go.
  11. 478874 Dedicated Player

    your expectations are too high, imo.
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  12. ChillCat Loyal Player

    I believe this was done pre-GU56. Are you going to repeat the tests for post-GU56? It doesn't affect the boosted and geared stats but the "results' section would be different for DPS output. Should also underscore why the healers are so effective ATM.
  13. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Clutch and Talve performed these test on Test and documented the results while GU-56 was on Test.
    • Like x 3
  14. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    Great work, keep it up! Love stuff like this.
  15. bagofboom Committed Player

    Yeah, take that scrubs!!