Come on devs..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Buster Sword, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. Buster Sword New Player

    what's up with the off-role loot in the solo missions?? so I went through all 5 "exterior" missions to get to the final instance, just to obtain a loot I can't even use? to think that people can easily use replays for those exterior missions, just to salvage the loot they get at the final instance, 'cause they're not able to use it. or worse, to actually wait 5 freaking days to enter the final instance. please get rid of that.
  2. Etho New Player

    That's the point. They want you to spend those replays because you know that there is an item in that instance's loot table that you want. The less time you spend getting the stuff you actually want out of content, the more SOE makes out of you: the consumer.

    (NOTE: I don't agree with SOE's method of implementing content. This post is only here to shed some light on why SOE does what they do.)
  3. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    Unfortunate but true. And they'll keep doing it as long as its working.
  4. Shadow Vlad New Player

    I feel your pain, Ive done the instance enough times to have 1 full style and half of the other plus the face piece. I got the same healer ring FOUR times IN A ROW (I'm a controller) two 125 weapons I dont/wont use. Zero controller drops so far.
  5. Bioinc Skull Committed Player

    Doesn't the mission let you chose the style after you finish?
  6. Shadow Vlad New Player

    Yes. Those aren't drops.
  7. Bioinc Skull Committed Player

    Only drops I've seen from these missions are unattuned weapons so idk.
  8. Solarstar New Player

    If you're talking about the new Strykers solo Instance, I've seen a DPS neck which I have on my DPS, unattuned weapons which range from Prime stats to Runic stats and a Tank neck.