Combat Windows not Registering Correctly

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Starbrand, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. Starbrand Dedicated Player

    As the title says, I was trying to compile some data about damage and combos...

    I notice that, sometimes, while doing sequence combos (like Smite>haunt / Retri>Wither), the bubbles above the dummy say a value and combat log windows say another.

    I saw this a lot while doing a Cleansed Wither, the 1st value, the bigger one, saying something like 1300 in buble, and just 600 in combat windows.

    Cleansed Wither is 3 ticks, I can see the 3 ticks in combat window, but with different values from 3 ticks dummy.

    It is not everytime, but often.

    I hope this is just a "visual" bug, and the real damage is showed in bubbles.

    Update: You dont even need to do 2 combos. I saw the same problem doing just Retri>Wither. The 1st big tick of cleansed wither showing lower values in combat log than buble ones.