Am I the only one who's annoyed about how combat speed sticks for a short while after you defeated something? It takes away a lot of the momentum for me when I'm constantly slowed down. Can't we change it so our movement speed reverts from combat to regular as soon as we we lose aggro? Thoughts?
I agree. Once you kill what it is attacking you, you should not be in combat stance anymore since you are NO LONGER in combat.
+100. For example my alt is flight + HB so you know what that looks like + I hate moving so slowly when my toon is like that.
I always just end up running instead of using flight because regular in combat running is faster than in combat flight...
Anyone else want to support this?, don't forget to like the OP if you do so we can get the DEVs attention.
I might suggest putting it in your signature to promote it a little bit more with a hyperlink to this thread.
You did have the hyperlink send people to my comment. You'd want to use this link so it sends people to yours
The stall is not consistent either. Sometimes the game considers you in combat when there is not a hostile in close proximation to the player. After a very small period of not getting hit should "always" allow the player to breakout of combat stance. Here is a notion, perhaps a player can trigger there combat stance on their own. However, if you are not in combat stance and you are hit a preemptive strike would land on the player. This stuns, grounds and gives the player critical damage on impact. If you are in the air you are grounded and granted more damage. If a player is high enough when hit they may have an opportunity to breakout from the stun effect. They even may not end up on the ground because they were high enough after recovery. The higher you are the more damage a character would receive. There is a damage cap however. There would need to be a very large gap between the strength of two opponents to KO a player with one preemptive strike at full health. If multiple players hit an adversary at the same time, only the critical extra damage would apply. This may help prevent players from always getting away with shooting off "into the sunset" without possible punishment. Side Note: the developers should change the animation for moving in the air when in combat stance. To me it looks awkward moving through the air with a weapon stance animation applied to an avatar.
Hmm not sure about the combat stance toggle. But I do agree with the flight in combat stance, it's very silly looking with most weapons.
What makes it even more annoying: NPCs keep on cheating. Like in the Supply Lines duo, where the last Boss can run in superspeed to the other end of the room while being attacked.
getting 5K reapers in CC is annoying, period, but the slow movement isn't making a bad thing better by any means, no...
AGREED! Rage here. If I use relentless anger or severe punishment and win the duel BEFORE rage crash then I should not crash-KO when I am doing the "Win stance" nor SECONDS AFTER I WIN THE FIGHT! And to the player who sent me a duel invite, got whooped, the en refused to pick me up after the crash... screw you! It's players like you that make the community look bad.
In fact, you don't even need to be in combat, just swing your weapon at the air and you'll be slowed to a crawl for five seconds. I agree wholeheartedly this should be changed (should never have been like that in the first place)--it is one of the most annoying things about this game. Unfortunately, however, it will not change and it won't change for the same reason every other crappy development in this game will not change--PVP. Yup, as per gosh darn usual (really wanted to use stronger language here...I mean really wanted to) PVP is responsible. I guess it's there so we can't swoop in and attack a player in the open world then run away. Separate PVE and PVP forever, please! I know the next MMO I'm interested in playing I will definitely first check how much PVP affects PVE. If there is any cross-over at all I'm not playing it after the experience here. I couldn't care less about PVP and am sick to death of it impacting so heavily on PVE. Do they even make money from PVP? Why is it affecting PVE so much?