Collections in Omnibus reward box

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MchaelAceHunter, Feb 28, 2024.

  1. MchaelAceHunter Well-Known Player

    Can someone tell me if all the collection pieces from ones such as riddle man this , riddle man that and multiversal bleed and a simple machine as such r in the boxes or is it only a few of them. Cause I'm having a nightmare with finding the ones I need
  2. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    Riddleman... pretty sure they're in there. The other 2 are like DLC Sidequests. So I doubt it.

    Edit: Simple Machine... no. Other two... yes.
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I've gotten riddleman a lot, although not generally the 'good' ones if you are waiting for a specific drop. Might be better to spam the run that collection originated in.

    Not sure on the 2 M1 collections per-se, but I know I just got a Trick Lapel Flower a few days ago, from the 3rd collection 'Getting a Reaction', so I'd wager the other 2 appear in there as well. Keep in mind though, that one (from 'bleed' I think, don't remember which) is a purchasable item from the Metal Gotham vendor, so that particular collection will never drop if it's the one you are waiting for.
  4. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I have gotten the rarest of some OP collections from the omni rewards boxes (ex. Leo shard, Luthor's Mangled Warsuit) so I assume they're all in there. Can't say for sure though as I don't have access to the loot table data.