Collection Node Missing

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Jovaa, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Jovaa Well-Known Player

    Can hear the sound but no node. Hopefully not a briefing/investigation :)
  2. Hjal Developer

    Hey, I looked into the possibility of a missing collection node and I'm could not find any nodes stuck inside the geometry. There is however a possible spawn point for a gold collections a bit bellow where you a hovering in the screenshot (at the base of the spire you can see in the bottom right of the screenshot). I'm guessing that might have been what you were hearing?
  3. Jovaa Well-Known Player

    I saw that collection point as well, and I picked it up, but the sound was still there, and was the loudest while I was floating next to that wall. I flew around that building for a bit to no avail.
  4. Jovaa Well-Known Player

  5. Harlequin Devoted Player

    My OCD is already going nuts. I'm going to check that spot out.
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  6. Harlequin Devoted Player

    This one was inside a terrain object. Also, in the building to my toon's right, Wonder Girl can be heard talking smack from inside the building.
  7. Hjal Developer

    Thanks for posting the video, that was a big help. I was able to find a gold collection spawner and move it to another location.
  8. Hjal Developer

    That collection node is placed there intentionally. The terrain object is destructible so the collection node can be reached. Wonder Girl sometimes spawns on the other side of the street running on the other side of the building.
  9. Harlequin Devoted Player

    I wandered all over that area and the voice was definitely coming from inside the building. I plan on farming the last collection I need tonight (and there are several spawn points near there) so I'll keep eyes and ears open for her.
  10. Jovaa Well-Known Player

    Yeah it took me two recordings to get it're lucky I wasn't lazy and recorded it a second time or you would have listened to me belting out Let it Go instead of listening to the collection node...
  11. DoctorP2 Well-Known Player

    Thanks for posting this. I was puzzling over the same thing myself when I heard that sound!