Cog of Mageddon any combo activation

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Raven Nocturnal, Aug 5, 2023.

  1. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    If the artifacts Tetrahedron of Urgrund and Cog of Mageddon don't get a merge, would you at least be able to make Cog more on par with Tetra please by allowing it to be activated with any combo? I'll explain:

    Cog of Mageddon -
    Savagery of Mageddon
    Hitting an enemy with a Cross-Weapon Combo attack grants you and up to 7 group members Precision

    Can this be changed to activate with any Weapon Combo attack, to make it more similar to Tetrahedron of Urgrund?

    Tetrahedron of Urgrund -
    Might of Urgrund
    Hitting an enemy with a superpower grants you and up to 7 group members Might

    This would make it easier for buff trolls to please the prec players in addition to might, and to not have to spec a lot of skill points into weapon mastery (and even use) to do so. Makes it more fair. Thanks!
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  2. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Or, just hear me out, Precision players can use Cog on their own the same way Might players can use Tetra. You have 3 Arts to choose from. Pick your three or do the Art Swapping. No need to merge these Two arts together to fit this. Communications with your team to determine how many Might vs Prec players are and you buff around that.
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  3. Popeyes Active Player

    Tsk tsk tsk :(
  4. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    It's a simple request, doesn't break the game...

    Prec users will be using Cross-Weapon Combos regardless.

    Doesn't seem very fair that the might artifact can be activated using any ability yet the prec one needs a lot more?
  5. Plowed In Loyal Player

    You’re just asking for a change for the sake of change…unless I’m missing the really important part of “why this is needed.”

    Change in gameplay - no
    Benefit to players - No
    Coding work/QA cost - you betcha
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  6. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    To make it more fair.
    Doesn't seem very fair that the might artifact can be activated using any ability yet the prec one needs a lot more?

    Change in gameplay - QoL
    Benefit to players - QoL
    Coding work/QA cost - none of our concern.
  7. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The way I see it if they were to merge these two artifacts it would get nerfed in the process because you're asking for two benefits in one. This takes away player options and I would prefer it if they came out with a new artifact that buffs both Might and Prec but not as well as Tetra or Cog. This way players have more options: if you run with mixed DPS you can take the new artifact, if you run with mostly Might DPS keep Tetra, if you run with mostly Precision DPS keep Cog, and if you prefer to swap keep both.
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  8. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Right, so that's why I suggested simply making the Cog activate with any combo (including cross-weapon) instead of having to be only a Cross-Weapon combo, in which makes no sense because Tetra activates with any superpower.
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  9. Plowed In Loyal Player

    You have Tap-Hold combos activating it now. You can’t get any faster than that. It would give you a lot more avenues, but again no one would use 99% of them, just as Prec players themselves are not mixing and matching weapon combos…they pick the quickest/most efficient/highest damage combo and stick with it…so no, not needed and really not warranted (IMO).
  10. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    It is for a buff troll who is not specialized in prec, basically.
  11. Vella Well-Known Player

    WM Procs Cog cause it buffs prec, and Hitting a superpower Procs tettra cause it buffs might. As a buff troll you run what ever buffs the most in the group or what is meta. For example, on Switch most of the community is Might, so no end game troll is running Cog.

    Why should superpowers proc something that buffs prec?
  12. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Not what I meant at all. With Tetra any simple superpower triggers Might buff, what I was asking for is have it the same with Cog, except any weapon combo can trigger it (the prec), instead of it having to be only a Weapon Mastery combo specifically.
  13. Vella Well-Known Player

    Oh my fault, I misunderstood. I mean sure, why not. I know a lot of trolls who use rifle.
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  14. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    The issue is the requirement to use the sp necessary to fill out two complete weapon skill trees. Buffing might requires zero extra sp.
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  15. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Yeah, that too ^-^