Cloak of Shadows collection

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DarkQuantumMenace, Apr 23, 2021.

  1. DarkQuantumMenace New Player

    Hello, I'm missing the final collection for Cloak of Shadows named "Veil of Secrecy". I'm just wanting to know if:
    1) Anyone is selling it if so please let me buy it off you let me know if so
    2) What is the usual broker price on this collection piece?
    3) I assume this is the rarest collection out of all the others am I correct? Due to it never being in the broker...
  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I can't answer the first two as I don't do a lot of broker searching as of late, but to answer the third: in TC collections you'll get two or three collection pieces that are the "chase" pieces that are rare drops. Because of that those pieces tend to be hardest to find on the broker and are usually the most expensive. It's the whole "supply and demand" thing kicking in.

    It gets worse for older TC collections since the supply of those TCs can dwindle. I can understand wanting to finish out the collection for the sake of completing it, but you might be better served saving up Quarks and getting it from the Second Chance Vendor.
  3. Shalayah Committed Player

    Yeah that’s what I did with the void. All the TCs I spent $$$ on and not a single void essence . That actually gave me enough to buy the void 2x over if I wanted and I didn’t have to spend billions for one piece of the collection
  4. Ebon Pegasus Master of the Speed Source

    I was shouting for this item and searching the broker for the last month or so. This is what I learned.

    1) Trade chat is your friend, but beware. Always use DCUO Census or something similar to make sure the person you are trading with is an actual person and not a spoofed name and has an appropriate amount of CR that would make it risky for them to scam and lose it all.

    2) The usual broker price if it ever showed up in the broker would be the max price of 999999999. I never once saw it in the broker in all of my searching, but I could have missed a few.

    3) Yes, it is extremely rare. It’s up there with Billy’s Backpack but at least Billy’s Backpack was a part of the recent Resurgence so there was a brief pocket of time to get lucky with those. The only way to get the Veil of Secrecy now is to purchase old Assassin Time Capsules from the broker or purchase it from someone on Trade Chat. The odds of you popping the Veil of Secrecy on your own are insane. I wasted a ton of stabilizers hoping to get lucky until I realized I had to just take the plunge. Luckily the Quarks (no matter how small the amount) eventually add up.

    In the end, I ended up having to purchase it for 1.4 billion, effectively wiping me out until I could move some stuff from the Resurgence. The person I was trying to trade with actually took pity on me and lowered their price from 1.5 to 1.4 billion because it was literally all I had. I looked up the person on the census and they had over 500 SP so I figured they were legit and I was lucky it worked out ok.

    So expect to spend 1.5 billion to buy the piece from a player or save up those Quarks (5129). Either way, it’s going to cost you.
  5. DarkQuantumMenace New Player

    Dang thanks for the information lol been trying to get this last collection for nearly 2 months now
  6. Ebon Pegasus Master of the Speed Source

    No problem. Good luck and be patient, but not too patient. I’m not sure how many are out in the wild as I got very few responses to my query. So if you come across one, I suggest you pounce ASAP.
  7. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    I will ask around for you. I have done some trades and middle manning with some hoarders and a few people owe me a few favors lol. If I find the collection, I have a few things I could even trade for it that might help bring the price down some on your end. What server are you on?
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  8. DarkQuantumMenace New Player

    US/PC that would be helpful indeed I thought the price would be around 100-200m since I have that amount rn....