Clipping complainers......

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by OMAAR, May 10, 2013.

  1. OMAAR New Player

    Your going to LOVE nexus!
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  2. neptunesBeard New Player

    What's nexus?
  3. Lamar New Player

    lol had a gadgets dps say in nexus how are you suppose to clip in here.
  4. OMAAR New Player

    Clipping just became essential for survival.
  5. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    Sorry, I haven't done Nexus yet. How does it prevent clipping?
  6. OMAAR New Player

    It doesn't, it encourages it.
  7. crownclownking New Player

    people actually complain about clipping:confused: is not that hard i may not be a clipping expert but clipping does save lives. In fact i dont think i even clip that much or know much about it. I just know it cancels certain animations.
  8. Breedin Bull New Player

    People complain about clipping yet the light power set is basically clipping.
  9. Lamar New Player

    For HL yes, for meele clipping o no. The boses aoe have some decent range. From what i seen i was like 5 feet (in game feet) from the tank and got hit for 4k even thou the boss was focused on the tank.
  10. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    he's saying if people arent clipping (especially healers) there's no way you're going to beat the raid
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