Christmas Cheer! (Giving to the less fortunate)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Red Hood, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. Red Hood Well-Known Player

    If anyone has anything they don't need over the holidays, please mail your stuff to xxBrutexx (USPS). He has had a horrible year filled with bad luck on loot rolls and losing his money on bad investments in the broker.
    So please this year guys let's all contribute to help out someone in need on DC.

    Happy Holidays to all!

    P.s. You can send him anything even rubber chickens, just title your messages Secret Santa!
    This isn't me, if you look at my post history you can easily tell this.)
  2. Magical Reset Committed Player

    Better yet, everyone report the beggar/scammer and help clean up the community of beggar/scammer so we can all have a happy year's end.
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  3. Meta Flare New Player

    No...he has multiple x's in his name. Lol.
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  4. Delta795 New Player
    Bah humbug!
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