Chest mods for controllers.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Coconuts, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. Coconuts Well-Known Player

    Hello everyone

    For the trolls out there, what chest mods are you currently using right now? I'm having trouble deciding on which to choose.

    From what ive read on these forums, apparently the "reserve tank" mod isn't working correctly.

    I'm using the extended supercharge atm but feel like I could go with something better...

    Has anyone used the one where enemies drop the blue blobs that give back 200 power instead of 120?

    Any input is appreciated . Thank you
  2. Little Sister New Player

    I enjoy Extended Supercharge myself. I don't really have much else to add other than I just think it's the best.

    The blue bauble thing is maybe good for a DPS in a solo challenge? lol idk not much use there really.
  3. Gold Well-Known Player

    Extended sc is the one I use.
  4. Darth Loyal Player

    I don't think Extended SC is the way to go for Controllers. Maybe for DPS but for Controllers I believe the Reserve Tank is much more appropriate. It is working correctly and is much more useful as you will be making use of it to give out more power every time you Soder, SC, Supply drop or any other instance that fills your bar whereas Extended SC only applies to the first boss fight of a raid in normal conditions.

    The only reason people think that Reserve tank isn't working is because they don't understand how it works. Since you're gaining an extra 875 power pool over other players, it may look like your bar is lower but you will still have more power. Since instant power only hits the 3 players with the lowest power it will not hit you if there are 3 players with less power in their power pool even though your % of power is lower.

    For example:
    Assume the average power pool is 2000. 30% of this pool is 600 power. If you add a Reserve Tank, you will have 2875 power and 25% of this leaves you with 718.75 power. Although the pool with the Reserve Tank looks like it has less power visually it still has over 100 extra power. This is where people get confused.

    I'm not sure why most of the Controllers on the forum swear by the Extended SC because in the only instant it is useful in, I can get a 3rd SC when I need it without the it. It is realistically semi-useless and it seems like people just use it as a security blanket when it actually does nothing for Controllers.
  5. Radium Devoted Player

    The reason people say its broken is because a power dump won't fill that portion of your pool regardless if everyone else is full of power or not. But like you said, soders, pot, and SCs will still fill it up.
  6. Darth Loyal Player

    Actually, I tested it thoroughly for about an hour a couple weeks ago (after getting input saying it was broken from a thread) in every situation I could think of. Without getting anything but instant power, my bar was getting filled to full.
  7. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player


    the reason people think the reserve tank mod is broke is that it rarely adds the 875 additional power to a toons power pool. I have it equipped and rarely does it apply the 875 extra power. I would guesstimate it kicks in 1 in 20 log ins in my experience with it. Im around 3500 power without it and with it I should be just a skosh over 4300. (Im always checking out of habit now to see if its kicked in for that extra power)

    Im not sure if actually meant to a permanent increase or a random active increase, but, if its meant to be a permanent increase, its broken, if its not... well I guess its working as intended, barely, rarely, or some such lol. And perhaps because of this is why some trollers are switching to the sc mod. I will switch and use the sc mod until there is actual confirmation on reserve tank being "broken", or if in fact it is working as intended in being a random active power pool boost.

    Since I love using battle drone sc (switching out for word pf power depending on the raid) I'm surprised I havent yet switched to the sc mod.
  8. Darth Loyal Player

    It works without fail for me. Every time I check my power pool, it is where it should be. When I tested it for an hour the other day, it was clear how much larger my pool was than someone who didn't have it. Maybe it's only glitched for dps or for some players or something but I've tested every theory and/or myth that people have given me and I've proved them all wrong. Who knows. But as long as it's working for me, I'll keep using it. Every Controller I've talked about it in game with swears by it as well.
  9. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    I use the power pool one
  10. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    I've never given the power pool one a chance because it's been really buggy since launch, but it might be worth testing if it works fine now.

    Alternatively: use both! It's not like MoR are hard to come by.
  11. MetalMario Loyal Player

    I'm surprised nobody said core strength. That can be worth it depending on what you're doing.
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  12. Delta795 New Player

    Extended SC (currently) I had heard that reserve was buggy ATM. I may have to try it and see, but I know having my SC fill that fast in Nex has been a good choice so far.
  13. Darth Loyal Player

    My only gripe with Extended SC is that the only time I would really use it is in the first Boss fight of a raid. But even without it, I can get to my 3rd SC by the time I need it if I need it (after the other controller and I use our first 2 SCs and power is starting to get low due to pick ups and what not) without having the extra 35%. After that, i pretty much use my SCs in boss fights just before I reach 100% or use it in a hallway and have time to get back to just 100% before the final boss fight (Nexus). For me, it has no use.
  14. Welcome2TheNhk New Player

  15. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    when exactly are you guys building to full supercharge plus anyway? Or needing more than 2 per boss?
    I normally pop off 1 per nexus boss, then save up 2 for the last boss.
    Pop of one super after each shield phase. Fight is over.
  16. Darth Loyal Player

    When you're running with 1 or more sub par DPSs and it takes a while to burn the boss or when people are dropping too much because they aren't paying attention enough. I'd love to run with perfect groups all the time but that isn't always the case. I still don't need Extended SC though :p
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  17. Delta795 New Player

    Like Darth said I generally use mine is when you need to do some pick-ups and power can get a bit low. It's not always a necessity, but it's always nice to be able to fall back on having a shield and additional PoT when things get hairy.
  18. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    Haven't done much testing on chest mods.

    I used the 200 blue bubble mod for a bit but it doesn't work in raid, I used the SC on for a bit but like Darth said it just felt useless. I haven't gotten around to playing with reserve tank yet but will when I have a chance to play with it.

    Lately I've been using Core Strength. But I've been thinking about getting rid of it, I put it there to kind of fill the void while I wait to test reserve tank lol. The dmg increase as a controller is insignificant and since damage isn't our primary or secondary role it isn't really worth using.

    I'm going to start testing reserve tank tonight.
  19. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    I use Reserve Tank. Nothing like having the extra power pool to play with.
  20. TheDark Devoted Player

    Reserve tank grants 2 to 3 extra power casts. As mentioned a instant power heal won't fill it but PoT and sodas can. Not to mention if you're regenerating power back anyway through weapon use there shouldn't be a problem using it. Not unless a controller is being carried by the other controller.

    Extended supercharge doesn't hurt either. Specificlly for a gadget controller who decides to use battle drone. Which depends on the power consumption of the group.

    Core strength gives 10% damage increases. Debuffing, throwing pot, setting up PIs, and regenerating power back to yourself all apply a control effect and do damage regardless of whether someone is aiming for it or not. Only time damage out for a controller will ever be a problem is if they go out there way to do it at the cost of not giving power.

    Point is the option to use any is there. i've used those 3 and I change them up depending on what i feel like using. understanding how to give power with just the mechanics in the first place will convince you that anything else, in regards to any type of mod, is just a bonus. It boils down to player perference and how easy they want to play.
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