chat tabs and grouping

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by veneficus OP truncus, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. veneficus OP truncus Committed Player

    will there come a time in DCUO when heros and villians actually get to save the multi-verse from the all knowing brainiac??

    the plot of dcuo is the fact that heroes and villains have to work as a team to overcome brainiac..

    i think we should be able to form a suicide squad group.. there should be joined chats as well.. like a LFG for villains a LFG for heroes and a LFG that both villains and heros can use.. that would be OP AF..

    i know that there is verses chat... i also know that if you have both a hero and a villain you can use custom chats on both factions.. but im talking about a global chat that all players can use to build groups or talk some jazz to the opposing faction..

    make it happen..

    side note : completely off topic... but i think it would be dope if the PVE and PVP phases were in different time frames ..

    example : PVP phase should be modern day time when the heroes and villains were at war with each other and PVE should be be a futuristic time when the heroes and villains are at war with brainiac.. (destroyed and bottled).. jus a thought..
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  2. Backseid Devoted Player

    It's highly likely that there will be a co-faction global chat in the very near future.

    Did I use that right? "Co-faction"? It sounds right in my head :p
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  3. veneficus OP truncus Committed Player

    made sense to me so im say yes.. yes you did..
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  4. The peoples Badguy Committed Player

    This is a great post and the Bad guy agrees with a lot of what you typed. The People however will never work with a hero at all. Not even a finger will be lifted to help a hero out in their time of need. This idea though is great and hope to see it soon. This post gets one thumb up.
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  5. veneficus OP truncus Committed Player

    i know.. lots of villains get q into a duo with a hero and jus leave...

    but it would still be a great addition to the group building tools to have the option
  6. Backseid Devoted Player

    That's so dumb.

    There is no "hero's vs villains" in this game. Hell, all instances are basically the same regardless what faction you are anyway.

    I get that it's fun to play along with the role, but to actually leave an instance and waste someone's time (and your own)?

    I wish there was more interaction between the factions. And no, PvP doesn't really count since most people dislike that form of gameplay.
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  7. veneficus OP truncus Committed Player

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  8. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    T4 and lower content some instances are different, but not by much. The main ones I know off hand that are different are the T4 operations (both raid and alert).
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  9. veneficus OP truncus Committed Player

    i wouldn't know.. haven't got a hero to lv 30 yet.. im going to tho because i want the trophies and to see the difference in headlines and content