Chat Chimes.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Solarverse2, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. Solarverse2 New Player

    My first experience with MMO's was City of Heroes. The game was released a few months prior to the release of WoW, and even then, the Developers of that game was wise in adding a chime to the chat system.

    How it worked:

    Tells would make a very distinct chirp. When you received a tell from another player, it was just loud enough to hear over the game's music/sounds/ambiance. You hardly ever missed a tell from another player.

    Group chat made a distinct chime/chirping sound any time somebody typed anything in group chat. Again, it was just loud enough to hear over the game sounds/music/ambiance. You hardly ever missed a group chat message.

    All other chat systems in the game made no sounds, probably because they weren't quite as important as team/group chat and tells. I don't think this game could go wrong by adding a QoL function like this as well. I see so many people complain about other players not paying attention to chat, it's not hard to understand why messages are so often missed in this game.

    I know some players tend to play the game without the sound, and there wouldn't be much you could do to help these players, unless you added a volume control for the chime sounds, that way a player choosing to play with the game volume off, could turn only the chirp function on by itself.

    Another function they had in game, was the use of chat bubbles. They looked much the same as the chat bubbles in real comics, which would also be helpful. I'm sure this idea has been talked about before though, so I won't go much in to that.

    Anyway, hope the right Developer sees this and gives this serious consideration for a future update.
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  2. Arkinator New Player

    I agree, chat chimes would be pretty cool but they would also be very annoying in Watchtower/HoD
  3. ChuckLess New Player

    I miss chat bubbles. SWG had chat bubbles. :(
  4. FearsomeScarecrow Well-Known Player

    Well maybe not a chime but a "silencer" like if you're on your phone, listening to music & you get a text & it pauses the song & you're like wtf? but it's just that you got a text :) & then continue jamming to your fav tunes :D
  5. DarkChaosReign New Player

    I'd rather have just the /tell chime. Group members can be a bit too talkative at times (including me).
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  6. Solarverse2 New Player

    I think a volume control for chat chimes could be a solution to that. This way you wouldn't hear any chimes you didn't want to hear, or you could turn them up for when you do want to hear them. A win/win situation for everyone.
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  7. DarkChaosReign New Player

    Sounds good, but seperate sliders for each chimes might be a bit of a pain.
  8. FlexVibrant Well-Known Player

    this would be a plus, sometimes I have LFG on, and everything goes so fast I may miss a tell while im in the middle of a raid.

    btw, nice looking toon.
  9. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    inb4 "make a group/tell chat tab" comments.

    Anyway, I do like the idea seeing as the system information, LFG, Trade, and Group item votes can easily wipe away any messages from someone you might want/need to read.

    I have no complaints on it so long as it doesn't bug out like the voice chat did for so long where every single sign-in made you fix the volume before anyone talked or blow your ears out.
  10. Solarverse2 New Player

    There would only be two separate chat chimes. But, if only having one is the best we could get, I would personally still be happy with that.
  11. Solarverse2 New Player

    Thank you! :) By the way, where do you get that mask you have shown on yours? I have only seen it on a select few characters.
  12. FlexVibrant Well-Known Player

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  13. The 13ht Doctor New Player