Character Play Button Missing

Discussion in 'Game Support' started by Apoc2222, Feb 5, 2017.

  1. Apoc2222 New Player

    It sais the servers are up. Ive cleared my cache. Ive validated the mother efin files. ive delted the whatever folders and files. ive done it ALL except uninstall because it took me 3 days of nonstop fighting with this crap to get it to install .5% at a time in the first place....Who is in charge here? anybody at all? this game is going soooooo far down the toilet Mario and Luigi couldnt save it. seriously theres threads from 2013 about this....that makes this a FOUR YEAR OLD ISSUE!. FIX YOUR GAME DAYBREAK or sell it to somebody who will and quit holding the monopoly on DC based MMOs just to run it like its nothing.
  2. Illusion868 New Player

    did you get the game to work?
  3. Apoc2222 New Player

    Nope. and no suprise customer support is silent
    • Like x 1
  4. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

  5. Apoc2222 New Player

    Ten hours later. still no button to select my character. However. was plenty of time to download World of Warcraft and go to sleep.
    This is why your game is dying daybreak.
  6. Apoc2222 New Player

  7. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Did you log in to the US server with the launchpad?
  8. Old Roy Level 30

    I can log into the launch pad just fine, and I do have a play button; however, after clicking play, I get the following error:


    So, by missing the play button, you are being spared the annoyance of an disconnection message.