Celestial Powerset Guide/Discussion

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Kristyana, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. Remander Steadfast Player

    And Reinforce. Making those precision buffs percentage is a game-changer.
  2. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, but on live, the precision buff is only +115, so only a small fraction and not really worth it (probably better off putting the PP into 3% crit chance). With it becoming a 45% precision buff, Anoint is now the best DPS buff in the powerset by a mile.
  3. Ogat New Player

    I mean from a dps race stand point it is. Teamplay sure if you want to be a support dps. Annoint and Carnage also stack- just like that HL became the undisputed number1 powerset again.
  4. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Reinforce isn't a group buff though, the only reason I left it out.
  5. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    That type of thinking is probably why most people can't get past the enrage timers. Do you also not use supply drops?
  6. Ogat New Player

    ha? lol..

    Ultimately dps is a selfish number chasing game I will pick people up i will drop supply's on their head, but i will not carry an 800 precision buff with me to make the already coky and full of himself cuz he's hl even more coky :>

    And I've been beating enrage timers just fine since may so yeah.. Keep up the assumptions.
  7. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    I never made any assumption toward you. The fact is most players can't get past the enrage timers and it's in part to the selfishness of the dps. You also need to realize group buffs go to people around you, it could be the controller, healer, or even tank. It also gives restoration which will strengthen all there shields and heals. That 800 precision will not only help you, but everyone. If you run with cocky people and have issues with their attitude that's on you to fix or change. Other people run with a league or friends and like to help the entire team. I'm even contemplating using it in a battle healer loadout.
  8. Ogat New Player

    You honestly believe people wan't get pressured into putting this buff on the bar? Or that other dps wan't start literally bearhugging the celestial for it? The healer or troll will never get this buff. As for picking your coplayers carefully not much to be done about that- EUPC Villain side is so ridiculously short on players can't be helped, for instance there's exactly 3 tanks capable of running eo for the whole side.. The nerf has other repercussions as well 2 celest dps in a group can be a pain now. After when we'll NEED to use the stack issue combos it will become a nightmare.
  9. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    You can't say a healer or controller will never get the buff because they will. And I don't see anyone being pressured into putting it on their load out. Nature dps and healers were never pressured into hive mind or carnage. It was just always a nice option.
  10. Ogat New Player

    Well clearly you play with a much kinder community, and lets leave it like that:)
  11. blklightning New Player

    Where will you put it on your loadout? Slot 7? Slot 8? :p

    Now that Celestial healing will be the equivalent to God Mode, perhaps we can drop something else out.
  12. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    IDK too many options!!!.
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  13. Tikkun Loyal Player

    One concern I have with nearly all our main heals going to 8 man heals is how this will affect tank healing. The more targets there are to heal, the smaller the heals are due to the spread. This has been a basic game mechanic. So potentially if more people are taking damage, that could mean smaller heals to the tank. I have run into this issue when healing fire tanks in particular because they have a greater need for heals. This increases the need for fast, flawless combos. I love the challenge. I would like to see if anyone testing has found this mechanic to change tank healing.

    It may not be apparent now, but in the future if massive group damage becomes a group dynamic, this can encourage the demand for a 2/2/2/2 set up for the roles. Just a thought...
  14. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, not sure I would even want to invest the PP to spec it as a healer, quite honestly.
  15. Remander Steadfast Player

    I've had the same issues you mentioned solo healing Fire. Much more difficult than Ice (or Earth). Of course, with the nerf to Nexus and Dox, there likely won't be a real need for solo healers, so I foresee more traditional team builds. Three DPS should be able to handle it. Problem has been the enrage timers, which unless you had three beastly DPS, necessitated dropping a support class for another DPS. Healer was the obvious choice, given that trollers were needed to power the DPS.
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  16. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    i agree if they are gonna nerf the damage out based on the speeding up of wither... is it now time for them to look into hardlight and start doing the same? i know the hardlight community will firmly say no and tell us how difficult it is to pull off their combos and all that crap...but since the majority of those cries in that thread which im sure is t he cause for this "fixing" maybe its time as a community to start speaking up against hardlights damage out.... they use too much power burning their bars with out any penalty...i think if dps are burning their bars too fast... there should be a penalty for it you shouldnt be rewarded with high damage out... also if clipping is going to reduce damage ..hl is all about clipping so...

    that said i think celestial didnt get hit too hard seems like this can be worked with and do some decent damage...just irks me that..yet again hardlight dpsers cry the loudest and got their way....look at electric and what those cries did
  17. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    I never really had an issue solo healing fire tanks. I only hope this nerf isn't too much. If it becomes all about burst damage and, god forbid, meleeing I'm done with this game.
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  18. Tikkun Loyal Player

    I was going to reply and realized I was getting heavily off topic, so I started a thread with my crazy speculation based on the healing changes.

  19. blklightning New Player

    Might as well let the DPS spec it for us, no?
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  20. Remander Steadfast Player

    I know it'll be in my DPS spec for sure. ;)