Celestial Powerset Guide/Discussion

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Kristyana, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. DrDiabeto Well-Known Player

    Is it worth it on ps4 or should I just stick to my ret and.smite spamming?
  2. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    That's up to you to find out.

    I don't mean that in a "i don't want to tell you" way but literally everyone who does it will do it at a different speed. If you do it optimally you'll see a decent jump in damage out, if you don't you'll see the same or less. Give it a try if it doesn't work for you just go back to what you were doing.

    Personally I can do the 1h thing effectively if I practice for a bit to get it down before going to raid. I haven't been playing much (nothing I want to do left to do) so when I did try it in a raid the other day I found it to be worse than normal and I went back to strait ret spamming which is always solid (i can do that in my sleep... and i think I might).

    So give it a try and see what you think. I find if I don't practice it a bit I end up with a lot of partial charges which really hurts you, what should be hitting for 5k is hitting for 500.
    • Like x 1
  3. DrDiabeto Well-Known Player

    Ok awesome man. Thanks. Good answer haha :)
  4. Ice Lantern New Player

    I think that the tap-range clip is much slower on the PS3/4.
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  5. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Anyone notice plague particularly cleansed plague not spreading on enemy knock out the last two days?
  6. The Hornet New Player

    This is what I've found, too. The combo is so temperamental, and difficult to pull of optimally (especially for the 45+ minutes you're running something) that it really isn't more viable for me than straight retri-spam.
  7. Ice Lantern New Player

    Well for the Defile clip, I do think you have to jump. I've tried without the jump using things like turbo buttons and techniques I use in competitive Street Fighter so I know my timing isn't the problem. With the jump, it's much harder and I'm not even sure if it even works the same way on the PS3. I've looks around and I haven't seen one video of a Celes DPS doing this stuff on PS3 so I wonder how feasible it actually is.
  8. vikteren Well-Known Player

    can someone advise on this load out:
    Admonish, retribution, WotP, Divine Light, Benediction, Consecrated Ground. I do combo my powers to the cleansed version of the cursed tree. ty for your time in advance.
  9. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    What content are you doing? What do you want to know?

    Top DPS Combos: DLcP, AcB, and CScWP
    Middle: ScH, RcW, PcDL
    Lower: BcM, McB, WPcCS, HcS, WcR

    Just a general list that's good to know. Of course AE/single, melee/range, and whether or not it works well for you will alter that a bit, but that's the order of single target potential.

    Admonish combo is great for melee situations where you're close enough for it to hit. Retribution is a staple of the powerset. WotP is mediocre though, good burst but overall not as good of DPS as Retribution for instance. It does have the benefit of an AE pull if that can land and you want it to. Doing the reverse however is great, CScWotP is on par with the admonish combo. DL is a good combo for single target. Benediction is a nice buff and not a bad DoT off the malediction combo. CG is awesome.

    I'd swap Benediction for Malediction and do the combo in reverse, that way you get a consistent 10% crit chance buff instead of having it only half the time. The Malediction part will be yellow damage and a little lower but still solid.

    So really only change I'd make is CS instead of WotP.

    you could do a rotation like: McB/AcB/CScWP/DLcP/AcB/CScWP, Assuming you could stay in melee and not get inturrupted.
    • Like x 1
  10. Remander Steadfast Player

    Great summary of the DPS potential, JEEBIE.
  11. vikteren Well-Known Player

    I am Cr 70 using a bow in pve content. I will try your advice and I agree Consecrated Ground is great in a pinch. I am thinking of switching over to duel wield.
  12. alloygt Well-Known Player

    So okay here comes a long read, you have been warned, lol.

    I was working on a guide for our league forums on celestial and since I was already testing everything celestial I decided to test how dom vs resto affects our healing out. So here's an excerpt from that guide. I was fairly surprised by the results. That said the testing on this was small scale at only 10 casts per power tested so take from this what you will. :D

    So I had one other thing I wanted to test before I called this guide complete and that was something for us celestial dps healers and that something was dominance. Now stay with me here. I'm sure most of you are going "WTF? Dark, why do I care about dominance dude? I'm a healer not a tank. ". You aren't alone. As full healer I would agree but as a dps I am curious and here's why.

    The devs have come out and said that dominance will help our over all healing. This occured within game update 24 and was more aimed at tanks but applies to all power sets. Here's a link to the GU24 notes and the section outlining the dominance changes.


    oWhen healing is calculated, Dominance is now added directly to your Restoration and the two stats combined to determine the final value. Prior to this, heal abilities available to Tank and Controller power types scaled independently with both stats. Depending on how you are geared you may see either a small increase in amount healed or no change. This directly affects the following abilities: Envelop, Absorb Heat, Backdraft, Burning Determination, Burnout, Consume Objects, Fiery Weapon, Overheat, Stoke Flames, Eternal Flame, Reignition, Anesthetic, Hibernation, Ice Elemental, Word of Power, Restore, Triage, and Convalesce.

    So as you can see the powers listed are tank abilities with a hint of controller abilities but that got me wondering how it would work for healers...in particularly us dps healers and the reason for that is simple, mods. For our blue slots most of us use restoration and health. This is a no brainer right? Well for a straight up healer yes. For a dps healer with a precision leaned power...not so much. If dominance increases the heals as much or nearly as much as restoration then we would greatly benefit from a dominance and precision mod for our blue slots over restoration and health. As a dps healer more damage equals more heals.

    So I figured now is as good of a time as any to test it so here's how I did it. In order to gain dominance I had to use skill points in order to keep things as controlled as possible with as few variables as possible. So I used enough skill points to place one in each of the first four slots in each weapon tree ( for consistency ) and then I picked up 30 points worth of dominance (3 points in one tier one innate slot, one point in another tier one slot and one point in a tier two slot which forced me to take a random tier one slot in some other innate so I chose but since it has absolutely no barring on healing. So 21+7+2=30). This allowed me to retest after the dom test with two points in resto for 30 points of resto plus the points in the first 4 slot of each weapon trees keeping everything uniform.
    So that have me the following stats for restoration and dominance.

    Dom test = 755 resto and 83 dom.
    Resto test = 785 resto and 53 dom.

    I wanted to test a couple of types of powers so I chose to test Renew for a large two player heal, admonish for a moderate to large 4 player heal, blight for a 4 player heal over time and consume soul for a 16 player heal over time, Now the results are "real world" non-crit minimum and maximum results meaning they are the same ones you would see in the combat log if you removed your gear and used only the skill points necessary to gain the 30 points in each statistic and cast each power 10 times for a fair sampling. So without further ado here are the results and my thoughts on them.

    Renew - 349-411
    Admonish - 250-299
    Blight - 67-94 per tic
    Consume Soul - 51-75 per tic

    Renew - 364-422
    Admonish - 245-298
    Blight - 66-100
    Consume Soul - 53-78

    So based on face value you get :
    Renew = +/- 11 to 15 ( in favor of resto )
    Admonish = +/- 1 to 5 ( in favor of dom )
    Blight = +/- 1 to 6 ( in favor of resto )
    Consume Soul = +/- 2 to 3 ( in favor of resto )

    Now, while the min/max show a slight favoring...very slight...what it doesn't show is where the average heal landed between the min/max. In the case of all four powers the heals seemed to average on the higher scale of the min/max more so with restoration than with dominance. Something else to keep in mind is that if we look at the 11 to 15 points of difference in Renew at 30 points we can estimate that at 300 it would be a difference of 110 to 150 per heal. That could be important.

    So what would this mean in terms of the restoration and health mod vs the dominance and precision mod?

    Lets take a T5 expert version of each and see.

    Resto/Health gives you 49 restoration and 95 health per mod, two mods would make that 98 resto and 190 health.
    Dom/Pre gives you 19 dominance and 36 precision per mod for a total of 38 dominance and 72 precision.
    So, based on the numbers from my test you'd essentially gain 72 precision and lose 190 health as well as lose 60 resto ( since the difference between 30 points of dom and 30 points of resto was negligible in terms of healing out...for the most part...excluding where the average heal fell in the min/max ).

    So, based on my testing you could go either way. Honestly we would need a bit more testing on how much healing might increase with the precision bonus vs the healing increase of the added 60 resto.

    Now what's my view? My view is that one skill point in precision gives 3 points of precision (in the second tier of innates, excluding the shield tree which gives 10 points for each in the first tier of innates). So to pick up that extra 72 points, if I were to go with restoration and health for my blue mods, I'd have to use 24 skill points.

    If I were to go with dominance and precision for my blue mods I would need to pick up another 60 resto to balance out and for one skill point you get 7 points of resto (in the second tier of innates) meaning I'd have to spend 9 skill points to get to 63 resto or 8 skill points for 56 resto.

    So with that said I'll be remodding my blue sockets on my healer and saving myself some skill points.

    Thanks for reading and I hope this helped you all out.
    Professor Dark out, lol.
  13. Remander Steadfast Player

    Lost you at the end, Dark.
  14. The Hornet New Player

    I'm confused as to why you would need dom as a healer for any other reason than shields. I've seen guys talk about how dom increases their damage and, to the best of my knowledge, this is not at all true. Am I missing something?
  15. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    He is basically going as a damage healer and rather than use restoration and health he is using dominance and precision. This was he can increase his precision more and keep some heals based on the dom he added. The skill points give more resto than they do precision. The only down side is that healer shields only use resto when factoring strength.
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  16. alloygt Well-Known Player


    let me try this another way to clarify.

    first, dom does nothing for damage. The reason for dom in this was due to the changes made in the update I linked to above. I'm looking at the mods for the blue slot that are going to give the best benefit and still keep the affinity bonus. That means something with health or dominance. But I'm also wanting to maximize skill point usage and minimize a loss of restoration while increasing my precision, hence my use of dominance and precision as a mod.

    so let's look at this in terms of effective restoration ( restoration + dominance = effective restoration )

    if we take a healer with 3000 restoration and no dom his effective resto would be 3000. Let's say this same healer has 3000 health and 300 precision.
    If we add two of the dom/pre V expert mods to him he gains 38 dom and makes his effective resto 3038. He also gains 72 precision to give him 372 precision and 3000 health. If we replaced those mods with the resto/health V experts he loses the 38 dom but gains 98 resto making his effective resto 3098 and loses the 72 precision giving him 30p precision but gains 190 health giving him 3190 health.


    E.R. 3038
    Pre 372
    Hea 3000


    E.R. 3098
    Pre 300
    Hea 3190

    by using dom/pre as my blue mods I gain 72 precision meaning more damage to power my healing created from precision based damage which includes combo'd powers. I also mitigate the loss of resto by 38 points thanks to the dominance.

    My thought process here is that if I were to use the resto/health mods I would have to spend 24 skill points to gain the same 72 precision that the dom/pre mods grant for free. Where as by using the dom/pre I would only need to pick up 60 restoration which would cost me 9 skill points leaving me 15 skill points to use for other stats or to further increase my resto or precision for better fine tuning of my stats.

    so if we gave the example above 9 skill points to use in resto or pre second tier stats you'd have:


    E.R. 3101 ( 3000 base resto + 38 dom + 63 resto tier two innate )
    Pre 372 ( 300 base + 72 pre )
    Hea 3000


    E.R. 3098 ( 3000 base + 98 resto )
    Pre 327 ( 300 base + 27 pre tier two innate )
    Hea 3190

    so by modding with the dom/pre your stats are actually better ( except for health ). That's the idea anyway. Hope that helps.
  17. DrDiabeto Well-Known Player

    Is there a page on this guide with a decent pvp loadout (dps) I'm having trouble figuring out what moves work and what are worth using.
  18. Remander Steadfast Player

    Much better explanation. I hadn't considered that. I had thought about going Health/Prec in the blues, rather than Health/Resto, but since Dom and Resto add, using Dom/Prec makes more sense. Along those same lines, if you have maxed out the tier 1 and 2 Resto innates and still have more SP, I guess it would make sense to spec the 12 tier 1 Dom, since you can get +7 per point for 84 total.
  19. Black Stem Well-Known Player

    On the PS side these are some of my findings. Also: Defile grenade clip might be a invalid test on dummies where their health is constantly going to 35% quickly thus making defile look godly. But in an actual boss most of the fight the boss will be over 35% making defile hit no so hard.
  20. vikteren Well-Known Player

    for a hybrid dps/ healer build (no raid healing just alerts) CG vs Cursed Idol. leaning toward CG because mitigation yes please.