Catalyst cache boxes disappear from shared bank

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Beard Maaaan, Apr 8, 2019.

  1. Beard Maaaan Well-Known Player

    I keep a stack of catalyst cache boxes in my shared bank to share with my alts. I consistently have over 100. A few days ago I split 9 off the stack to raise an artifact to level 80. I moved the 9 to my alts inventory leaving about 103 or so in the shared bank. Today I bought 13 more from Constantine and when I went to add it the stack, it wasn't there. A blank cell was in the upper left corner where I keep it. I checked all my alts inventory and banks as well as the deleted list of each character and I cannot find it. The stack disappeared. Anyone having problems with bank disappearances? I have seals I paid for in the banks and I don't want to see those disappear next.
  2. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

  3. Beard Maaaan Well-Known Player

    So I have to create a Daybreak account?
  4. TheLastSuperman Well-Known Player

    For PC players we simply login with our Daybreak account info (which is typically the same as your forum login here) so try to login to the DB account using the same credentials. If that doesn't work then create a new account.