Casual Solo Player's Guide from CR 30 to CR 84

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Arenis, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. Prindacerk Committed Player

    Skill points are all feats once you reach level 30. There are plenty of feats easily attainable. Do all the exploration feats. Do the easy feats. You can get to SP 60 easily. Then you need to get through alerts and raids. Get into good teams and they (some) are easy to achieve as well. PvP you need to grind and so are some collection feats.

    There's a forum discussion it seems about skill points guide.
  2. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

    Thank you for that..
  3. Arenis New Player

    I've updated the Guide to account for following changes
    - Game Update 32: PVP Gear no longer usable in PVE Instances / Solo challenges.
    - Game Update 33: Halving of T3 MoT cost.
    - Game Update 33: Synthetic T3 to T5 Mods available to address the "CR" divide.

    Note that PVP Gear still helps you when you're not in Solo Challenges, notably to stay alive.
    Rather than spend time grinding through T1 Challenges to get your Reputation up (and even if you have maxed Rep), you could just use Cash and buy PVP Gear, then farm MoTs at South Gotham until you get to CR 40. Then start to switch out to CR 52 gear and/or CR 46 T1 Gear or CR 56 T2 Gear, skipping the CR 34 Gear completely.
  4. Prindacerk Committed Player

    Correct me if I'm wrong but South Gotham missions don't give out gear does it? Only gear you get is if you do Sub Avatar but to do Sub Avatar, you need a group of players. You can't solo a Sub Avatar with the PvP gear. Wouldn't it be easier to do the T2 duos rather than doing Sub Avatar with a group (who's hard to get nowadays since nobody is doing it).
  5. Arenis New Player

    You're right, the PVP Gear won't help you in Duo Challenges etc.I've always heard Duos were easier but I've probably done them twice. This Guide is restricted mainly to Solo content, and there are no Gear Drops.

    There are however easily 15-20 MoTs a day in South Gotham, and South Gotham is hugely easier in PVP T0 Gear than in PVE T0 Gear (which costs MoTs too). Those MoTs might be better used to purchase CR 43 T1 PVE Gear instead of CR 34 T0 PVE Gear.

    Just to clarify - this is just my personal preference since I hate hanging around waiting for Duos / Alerts / whatever to materialize. It's sad to hear that no one is doing Subs anymore though, heh.
  6. Prindacerk Committed Player

    I was recently levelling up my Rage Toon. So I was following your steps and then noticed the slight different approach that can be taken which is what I suggested to the other players above.

    There are very few Sub Avatars happening now. I waited for 20 minutes and no show of anyone so I quit with 15 marks. However, doing duos were very easy as I got paired with someone within 2 minutes for every duo. And we didn't struggle or anything. I got a few gears through that so I was happy.

    Same with T2. The duos were easy to get into and I got decent gear (CR 62) out of it. It's better than grinding the solos. Because each event gives more gear (2 per event) and takes the same time as a solo challenge. Yesterday I did the Police Station and even before I killed anyone, my partner had wiped out the bosses. It went so fast (probably a high CR player doing it for styles). Thankfully with the individual loot now, these are very beneficial.
  7. feedafeva New Player

    There are different phases. If you port into South Gotham and nobody is around or a Sub Avatar isn't going to spawn then port back to the Watchtower, do a ten count (for luck or whatever, I just do it) then port back. Hopefully you'll port into a different phase with more people. Also, you don't need the Sub Avatar mission "Deconstruction" to actually get gear from the SA. Sometimes you don't even need to fight it to get gear but don't count on that. If you want fast 52 gear then find a phase where there's a lot of people waiting on SA spawns and just unload on it when everyone attacks. You can do this until you get bored, essentially.
  8. Prindacerk Committed Player

    I have done South Gotham for nearly a week now in 4 different toons (in both factions). I have not encountered a single Sub Avatar fight until now. If what you say is true about the different phase changing automatically from WT (until now I was only able to change phase by friends in my list), then 20 odd times I've done it must have had atleast 1 possible encounter right?
  9. feedafeva New Player

    That's just crappy luck, then. I do the South Gotham missions nearly every day on three or four characters depending on free time. It's rare that I can't find, through phase switching, a group that is waiting to take down the SA. USPS by the way, if you are PC lower population may be a factor.

    EDIT: Sometimes it won't switch phases on you. If any other toons are around make a quick mental note of their names. When you port back to South Gotham if you see those names again retry. I think this is where my habit of doing a ten count comes from. Also, I have non aggressive players on my minimap, as soon as I port into SG I can see in a few seconds if anyone's there or I need to find another phase.
  10. Owl Devoted Player

    A couple Changes in Game Update 34 that may benefit solo leveling:

    Challenges: Iconic Anomalies – Test Subject #1 and The Hunt
    • Solo Challenges are now accessible with a Combat Rating of 80.
    Bounty Missions – Home Turf
    • Reward Boxes granted for completing Bounty Missions in the Home Turf DLC content will now always reward a style item, but will no longer reward consumable items.

    Note that prior to Update 34, the Iconic Anomalies required a Combat Rating of 84 and Home Turf Reward boxes frequently dropped consumable items.
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  11. Prindacerk Committed Player

    I'm in EUPS3. Maybe it's the time I play because I am in a different timezone now (moved countries). So maybe the time I'm doing it is the time when people do other things or not play at all. I can get into Duos and even Alerts easily. But not for the Sub Avatar.
  12. neuroaxon New Player

    When you mean solo missions, you mean the solo challenges, right? Stick to the Old Gotham (prior ones) Dailes as well?
  13. weeeeiiill smeeeeeiiith New Player

    I feel like such a noob asking - maybe this is the wrong forum? probably. but i'm SO STUCK on cr 67 no matter how many mods I grab, and I can do as many duos//raids//tier whatever challenges per day, but every single lockbox or drop or whatever is either gear for other roles (i'm fire//dual wield) or some random gear for my base, which i could care less about. what am i doing wrong? *i haven't been doing as many solo instances, cause at the moment, i'm not strong enough to take down even the first wave in fortress solos. i switched from troll to electricity healer to fire dps/tank so i could start fixing this problem but it ain't woking.
  14. Prindacerk Committed Player

    Yes. I refer to solo challenges.
  15. Arenis New Player

    @weeeeiiill smeeeeeiiith
    Assuming you want advice for Soloing (as opposed to Duos, 4Mans, Raids, Alerts, etc)
    Referring to the Guide 3.4 TIER 3 : CR 53 to 69

    For getting to CR 70, the Solo Challenges that are easy would be Star Labs Facility (ending with Superman vs Lex Luthor) and IMHO, Monarch Card Playing Company (ending with Deathstroke vs Riddler).

    In Central City, Speed Trap and Paradox Reapers are probably the best dailies to do there.

    In short, purchase the CR 62 gear from Central City and mod them all up to T3. You will hit CR 70.
    Since you are already CR 67, you probably just need a few pieces from there to round out.
    If you've been raiding or duoing, likely the pieces you are missing is just the Trinket (there is a CR 70 Trinket for sale there), 2 very cheap Rings, and relatively cheap Facemask.

    Don't forget if your weapon is low CR (below 50), wait until you are CR 68 then buy the CR 62 weapon from Central City, instead of getting the lower CR Weapon (of a similar name) for sale at Central City.
  16. HyperTraceur New Player

    This deserves more attention.
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  17. veld Level 30

    This guide's been amazingly helpful. Thank you for it. I've just hit CR 86 and whilst i've had some help getting there, i would guesstimate i spend 85-90% of my time solo. Just before the server went down, i had finished the 2 MoT daily's in Metropolis Battleground. If i hadn't of found this guide and a friendly league that made doing it bearable i'd have quit. So thanks.
  18. Arenis New Player

  19. babaganoosh08 New Player

    This guides awesome but dated. I call for an update ;)
  20. BatGuy New Player