Up-Votes Needed Can't switch armories during fights

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by xxHELLSTROKExx, Dec 26, 2020.

  1. Realist617 Active Player

    i came here to post about exactly this. I cant switch in combat even when I am not combat locked from switching. Its been happening for weeks. Some say its only sometimes but it is 100% of the time for me. In open world i have to fly far AF to switch then return to the fight, like at WB phase for example. I own 16 armories on my main, and 32 amongst my 4 alts. at 5 dollars each thats a heavy investment. This is annoying. Get on your gawd damn horse n fix this asap please!!! Im on xbox one server btw, in case it matters.
  2. Zamara Dedicated Player

    Just a reminder that for this to get attention you need to upvote the original post not just comment
  3. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    You just need to tap (not hold) the target lock button a bunch of times and then it should work (even if still targeted). If all else fails turn the camera away and tap it and switch. Same works with D-pad functions.