Cannot be carried through solo

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RTHERMITE, Sep 2, 2015.

  1. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Funny thing is yesterday I could see it and play it - today...not so much!

  2. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I got past the part with Hal yesterday and couldn't go any further.
  3. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Oh, I wasn't talking about replay badge use when I mentioned not wanting to rush things. I'm just kind of weird in that I like to enjoy and explore new content when I get into the CR range, and I try to go with only what I need for mission runs.

    I just got into War of the Light 2 and Amazon Fury 2 content, so there's still stuff for me to run and explore there, such as collection/investigation/briefing hunting. I haven't even run the Violet Menace (think that's the name, anyhow) mission you get after 10 WOTL 2 dailies. LOL What I'll probably do is run Patrol Catastrophe as part of my rotation (2 Marks per run is worth it) but hold off on attuning any gear beyond what I need while I make my runs through WOTL2/AF2 stuff. Once I feel ready to move on, I'll do so.

    I've also found keeping a pace that's comfortable helps me avoid experiencing burnout on the game, and getting gear I can advance with on a daily basis just feels like it would disrupt that pace I prefer, so there's that too.
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  4. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I would recommend running the duo which you can get help for as straight 112 gear gets you to 129 CR
  5. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I'm with ya i loved trying the catraspoy solo in gotham under siege back when they would let you go in it at cr100 its was controller throwing hard but was seriously fun when you could get your under geared self through it
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  6. grendel007 Well-Known Player

    No way! Another player that likes to stop and look at things! Impossible. I thought I was the only one.
    Seriously though, I agree. That's why I hold back my two "alts" which are actually the first two characters I made.
    I just missed so much blazing up. But I got to about 115 on my ice guy and I'm happy. It's actually pretty easy to stay around the low 100 cr area
  7. Karnevil Committed Player

    uhm......if it's a solo.....who's going to carry you?
  8. Multiverse Creator League

    uhm...... your Backup???

    Poor little guy. His back must hurt a lot from carrying you. ;) ;)
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  9. Aren Sul Committed Player

    I finally got some free time to try it today. I'm CR120 and probably a mediocre player at best (and I have no problem with that), and I couldn't get past a group of 4 black lanterns.

    But this doesn't bother me, I'm in no rush. As long as I can still do other things and gain marks, I'll get better gear and at some point, be able to get through it, just like any other content that I found very difficult at first.

    That's why I like the way they're rolling this stuff out. You can do simpler content to build marks for better vendor gear for more challenging content that is all within the same range.
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  10. Multiverse Creator League

    At 120.... not surprised you could not do it.
    So don't worry..... I doubt many could do it at that CR.

    But it is strange that they made it so you have to gear up to do the solo mission.

    Heck the alert is much easier then the solo.

    So it is backward that you have to do the Alert to gear up to be able to do the solo mission.

    I still can't believe that some people tested this and thought that it was okay. That's crazy to me.
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  11. Aren Sul Committed Player

    Thanks for the props. And, I'm not worried - I can be badger-like sometimes, so I won't give up until I get it. (also just got the weapon so now I'm 122).

    As for alert vs. solo, I agree with you. One would expect that.

    Perhaps - and just guessing the psychology here - they figured if the alert is easier, then there should be less friction between players and a better play experience. Whereas, solo you can get frustrated, but can only take it out on some poor npcs who are CR100 or lower ;-)
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  12. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Even at the 104/105 CR range the Conversion Coordinator in the warehouse can be annoying. LOL I don't mind, though, it keeps me on my toes and from being too complacent with content runs. :)