Can you get the pengbot or emperor penguin as a drop in the event instance?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Caroline, Dec 2, 2016.

  1. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Yesterday I ran the instance 15 times, however I'm not sure if my luck is bad or the pets don't drop at all.

    Can anyone confirm if they got any ?
  2. Butterfly Boy Committed Player

    Ran 20 today, not a single penguin drop for me or anyone else in the group (I checked loot log)
  3. Caroline Dedicated Player

    That's really not cool.
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  4. Tilz Loyal Player

    Check out if ppl are selling them. Maybe then you'll find the answer :)
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  5. Butterfly Boy Committed Player

    People sell those totems after they buy currency from the marketplace and replay the event 50 times. Guy I know kept buying replays all day to get a few penguins.
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  6. Caroline Dedicated Player

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  7. Tilz Loyal Player

    Sry, mindfk :D
    Just go ahead and don't mind me^^
    I'll grab a new coffee
  8. Butterfly Boy Committed Player

    On the other hand, at least we have some neat base pets now
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  9. Kzinti Committed Player

    I ran event 22 times no Penguins, did get 2 off the broker for 5 mill each
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  10. Zneeak Devoted Player

    So no official confirmation on this yet?
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  11. Caroline Dedicated Player

    I would like an answer from a dev as well.
  12. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I've only run the event ten times so far, more to come later today, but no penguins have dropped. I have had 3 snowman trinkets so far and one Aura.
  13. Craven Green Loyal Player

    bump answer please.:)
  14. Butterfly Boy Committed Player

    Buttery Bump
  15. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    Won't happen best you can do is run the seasonal on a few characters so youcan buy it just be thankful there's not and RNG involved in buying stuff from the vendors.......yet.
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  16. Kzinti Committed Player

    They RNG vendor Base items...
  17. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Well, everyone's saying that they haven't gotten a single pet from the instance, I assume that they're not supposed to drop in this event at all, which is very disappointing.
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  18. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Lol and people pay real money for marks so they can buy penguins and sell them for fake money.

    Then wonder why the game is so cash grabby :rolleyes:
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  19. Butterfly Boy Committed Player

    About to run another 20 instances, I'll let you know.
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  20. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Alright, cool, although I am pretty much sure already that none of them drop. :(

    I mean, it'd be very sweet if we were at least able to get one of them in the instance, nobody's really asking to get both.

    They're both super nice, but I think that most of the people, including me prefer the emperor one rather than the pengbot.

    We could have been easily getting the pengbot in the instance and just farm for the emperor.

    Ugh, I'd really like an answer from Mepps or anyone from the team who actually knows what's going on.
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