Can we get a confirmation on the highest CR?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Hard Light Xero, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Your screenshot is a direct capture and thus easy to modify. His screenshot was from an external camera tilted at the screen (low quality and a tilt in the image). His is much harder to modify accurately. Your screenshot shows evidence of pixel placement (boxes around your 999 numbers at high magnification). His shows artifacting, sure, but due to low quality. His screenshot does not show any boxes or inconsistencies which would indicate placement of new pixels.

    He also showed lack of knowledge regarding on how to upload an image (assumed to be less tech savvy). If he had experience in doctoring images then why could he not upload such image?

    Don't try to claim a doctored image if you yourself can't make a believable one. :p

    P.S. If his image is doctored then it was done very well. However since a few people have said they are CR 104 as well or have said that they have been CR 103 for while and could be CR 103 with slightly higher IL (me for example) this is unlikely.
  2. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    He also has several Scion of Ion pieces while you have all Vestment of Rage (which has better stats). Since (from the Stats page at least) both sets have the same IL that is why you have better stats...
  3. thenewkidd New Player

    That's the point..
    And I agree...
    But I'm just pointing out why he gets such a hard time from people not believing his CR is 104.
    People that have full two Rings of OP and fully modded Vestments of Rage and still only 103.

    This is why I will always take actual stats over CR.. people post CR all the time and I still require Resto from healers, Vit from Trolls (Dom if going into AB), Might/Precision from DPS... Etc.. That tells me more than a bogus "I'm CR88 Fully modded T4 or No Mods at all Fully Corrupted Gear from Raven".. both yielding about the same CR.

    CR99 Troll that has a few modded 90 Pieces with mostly Green gear...
    Or Fully Modded Atlantian Monarch.
  4. thenewkidd New Player

    I know me personally... I have both roles fully modded in 90 gear.. weapon and everything... me.. I guess I'm going to be a 5100+ Resto healer that is CR 103 over some of these 4900 Resto Healers that are CR 104 (makes sense to me).
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  5. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    If they are modded for Restoration & Power (like me) and a smaller amount of skill points (not me specifically but used as an example) that is completely possible. Modding using the norm is not the only effective way to mod a Healer. ;)

    Lesson of the day: Asking for a specific stat is not a good way to judge the performance of any player.
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  6. EPICQ New Player

    {Mod the rings first.}
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  7. EPICQ New Player

  8. Reidriar New Player

    Some people care too much for CR, and not performance, one such a CR95 DPS can top a CR103 because of not gear, but the performance, but the CR95 DPS gets kicked even though he's the top cause the CR103 got annoyed and convinced others to kick him.
    Same in reality, a 7$ mic could work and worth more than a bogus expensive 200$ mic that got glitched since day two.
  9. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Dont believe it.
  10. Mr AFK New Player

    • Like x 14
  11. thenewkidd New Player

    If a player had let us say 4900 Resto and another had 5100 resto.. OK...
    But there is a big difference when someone is in Fully Modded T4 Gear vs No Mods at all Atlantian Gear... Both yield about the same CR but yet the stats on Atlantian gear are far superior to that of full T4 modded.. make sense?

    My whole argument is CR means nothing.. and why so many players use that as a bench mark as to whether a player can do certain content or not is really a bit silly.

    There are too many ways to manipulate your CR even legitimately in game... (mixed gear. for instance... some healer gear and some DPS gear but still being 101 CR back when only 88 gear was out)....

    Or getting Mostly Healer gear in Dox giving you higher CR when your DPS gear is less superior to that of your healer gear for example.

    So.. a hard stat like "I only have 3800 Resto" tells me more than if you throw out a "I'm CR97"... that doesn't tell me if you are full 97 healer or did you get that with some DPS gear that dropped along the way. (make sense?)
  12. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    lol when i click on it all i see is [IMG]
  13. LastSonOfEarth Committed Player

    I know this is off topic, but how'd ya get 2660 base vit? The biggest base vit is 2649 unless u mod "wrong."
  14. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Your shadows still give it away as being doctored.
  15. thenewkidd New Player

    Strictly from a DPS perspective.
    Vestment has higher Might/Percision than Ion..
    More defense and more Power than Ion too.

    But that is why the argument...
    Why would someone take the OP (who has Ion at CR104) over someone who is fully Vestment of Rage modded and only 103?

    In all cases since even before T5 came out has been my standpoint of "CR means diddly Sh*t"... and why there are so many that weigh so heavily on a number is just silly to me...

    Maybe some people missed Prime Battleground being accomplished in T2 gear? Actual Player Skill > Arbitrary number a computer gives you
  16. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    :/ The point is that is why he less stats compared to you. That's it. None of what what you posted relates to what I originally posted. You were wondering why he has lower stats but a higher CR and I gave you a reason.
  17. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Sounds like a bug to me.....

    Not a big deal really unless someone wants to try to mod themselves exactly as he has to see if it changes it.
  18. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Does CR still take into account 2 armor sets? Maybe the OP has full 90 crafted for DPS & support role.
  19. Lanternius New Player

    who really cares...obviously the CR for the OP is glitchy (As for speechless). Tons of players have better gear and are sitting at 103. Personally, if I had a 104cr with inferior stats (I use the word inferior VERY loosely)...I'd keep that info to myself so that I don't run the risk of getting flamed.
  20. Mad9 New Player

    True, he gets a hard time from people which have better gear and stats coz they aren't CR 104 or 105. It's not his fault. It's just the way the flawed system works. I have witnessed it before and it's not the first time this has happened.

    What's surprising is the fact that these top tiered players have no humility, continue to live in denial and react like little crybabies.
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