Can we do something about A.I. heroes being in the way please?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by COMBATICUS, May 28, 2021.

  1. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    I know I'm not the only one having issues with this. But with all these sidekicks, henchmen and our mentors being in battle it's probably one of my most annoying thing when I'm in raid or alert and I wanna get away from an AoE or when a boss is doing a one shot.

    As a melee user, and in this incident , when doing RW alert when zoom is about to do his spin, the spec ops and any other sidekick or henchmen just surrounds the boss in the most awkward ways and just blocks you in, cant jump away, cant block and roll. Can they be like hollow or something. Maybe make them move or jump away when a red skull is poppin up.

    I've seen posts like this before but not sure or if i remember anything was being done or said about it.

    Mepps, please tell the devs do anything regarding this. They are just way way too up close in your business and when you need to move or roll away they just stand there helping the boss. Thank you in advance
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Not sure how many times I've been caught in either Brainac's 1 shot bubble in FF or burnt to a crisp by heatwave because I tried to roll away and had some sidekick, guardian, grim, robot or someone's seagull (eagle) standing behind me. And if you are tank...forgetabout it.
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  3. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Next artifact coming right up... here's your fix for that problem. Gain 10% defense for every ai in a 4 foot radius and 10% damage out at rank 120 at rank 200 gain 50% damage out and 50% defense when taking a one shot hit mechanic for 15sec. This artifact is unstable and unbalanced these percentages may be lower but could be higher than normal at times, please take one shots with caution!!
  4. Kestral Committed Player

    Best thing is to try to jump over them or position yourself behind them when you think this move is coming up. I actually picked my backup based on how well they physically can block a target in place and have used them to prevent myself from being dragged into things with map pulls (zoom, Crown of thorns current, Mordru pushing you off the platform, etc.)

    It's just one of those things that has to be planned for. It's great when you want them to pin a boss into place or protect you from being dragged somewhere... and terrible when they pin you in while trying to avoid a hit.
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  5. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    At the very least, we shouldn’t have both a good guy speedster and a bad guy speedster in the same fight. I got a hair trigger to lunge that whirly arm move and I keep lunging when Flash and Kid Flash do theirs.
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  6. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Wait, are you serious? Is there a link to the next artifacts or something? That would be like 1 of the best if not the best artifact then . Hope its true
  7. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    That's the thing, sometimes you cant do anything. It depends how many sidekicks and heroes are around you and the boss. There are times where I cant jump or roll away. They just need to make them hallow , so we're able to go through em without interrupting them nor they interrupt us
  8. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Melee while flying? Just a thought.
  9. Kilbane Active Player

    Not really a fix.. also a lot of boss fights, or entire raids you're grounded. Also.. you can still get trapped pretty easily under a horde of henchmen even flying.

    This is actually a really big problem. They need to make it so you can roll through them or push them out of the way when you roll. My tanks and melee get lost and crushed under a ocean of jellyfish, lightning storms, and a dogpile of beastiomorphs, lanterns, paradox demons, robots, orbitals, and the kitchen sink. Trying to see what's going on is hard enough, trying to find a hole in your own the defensive line before the skull attack goes off on top of all the effect pollution is impossible. It's to a point that if you're melee, you are pretty much guaranteed to get one shot at least once per fight.
  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It's not, he's trolling you.
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  11. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    This has happened to me too many times to count. I always took it as my own fault for not being aware of my surroundings and not moving accordingly, or changing my strategy to suit the situation, rather than blaming the game itself
  12. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Nah, hate flying, and for some odd reason I get targeted the most either way
  13. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Ohh lol. It's hard to tell sometimes in these forums lol
  14. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    Most annoying thing ever. Gee my movement mode is disabled most fights and is incredibly slow when in combat. Golly devs can you punish me more for picking flight? Maybe have my gear autobreak when I enter flight in a raid!. :p

    Really the hover speed needs to be faster than walking speed. I can dodge roll and walk/run faster than I can hover/fly and stop grounding me in every damn encounter.