Can we discuss Stat Clamping??

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Drifting Dreamer, Dec 5, 2014.

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  1. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Well a few pages back Jen's did say it was .
  2. VariableFire Loyal Player

    If this is the level they think things should be clamped to, I shudder to think of the consequences of it being spread out to the rest of PVE. Clamping PVP made sense to me since it was Player vs. Player, not Player vs. Gear. However much we may see the powers as unbalanced, in theory they should be in PVP. PVE on the other hand is about IMbalance, where the boss (in this case, Larfleeze) is supposed to be strong enough that it requires teamwork, individual skill, and gear to compensate. This is the first time in over a year that a seasonal has heavily required the first two. It's going to be a rough couple of days (if not weeks) until the average player (you know, the people that most of their customers actually are) catches on (or never, if the Spring seasonal is anything to go by).

    Not all of us are deathmike. Most of us aren't deathmike. Soloing the seasonal isn't high on my "wouldn't that be fun to do" list. Clamping it upwards one more tier would have done wonders. As it stands, they should've either doubled the outside mission reward or doubled the reward for putting up with this. Oh, this doesn't bode well for rewards matching how badly you've been clamped if this spreads out to the rest of PVE btw.
  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Point is the power themselves arent balanced, so those still waiting on a fix, or a revamp, or a AM are suffering due to our stats being clamped compared to powersets that have been fixed.
  4. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    Wow the sky is definitely falling in this thread lmao.

    It's about time they put in some sort of level sync. This game has become the equivalent of playing GTA with unlimited health and ammo. Fun for a while, but is certainly less engaging after being OP for years..

    If they can create worthwhile incentives for using a level sync this will breathe a lot of life into old content :)

    Besides let's face it, what do we have now?
    - support roles serve no purpose in anything below a T5 raid.

    - content mechanics have become obsolete because we overgear everything.

    - strategy and teamwork in older content is a thing of the past. Just shut off your brain and go through the motions.

    Really looking forward to a level sync across the board for all content as long as it's optional and offers new incentives for taking the time to complete content with the original challenge :)
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  5. MoreAwesomeMechanic New Player

    I don't care what they do with stat clamping in the future, all I know is stat clamping has now made me never want to pug the seasonal ever. The seasonals were always the one thing I would pug because even if they weren't that great I could still get through it quickly. The seasonal is ment to be fast and when you aare stat clamping the only competent person in the group it makes it last so long that it isn't worth it. I tried to pug it once and ended up leaving because I was the only dps doing damage, had aggro the entire time (due to the other 2 dps not even hitting the boss) and it was taking forever for me to kill the boss and do the objectives. I left and will never pug it again. My patience with pugs was already thin and all this stat clamping did was make me realize that I can't even pug the 5 min seasonal because people are that stupid. The actual stat clamping mind you is fine, I did it in under 5 mins with league only run. But stat clamping combined with pugging is atrocious.
  6. Crzyrazr Well-Known Player

    @Spytle please understand that the point of this thread was not to stir paranoia or force any premature promises. I think the tone of the thread changed after some discussion and it is unfortunate. I can only speak for myself in this that it was simply to discuss stat clamping with others on that I don't normally have an interaction with in game.
    I am with Drifting Dreamer on his response

    @the ones bashing the seasonal.
    I think it took a turn for the worse after some started seeing this as a "bash the seasonal thread". That was not the point of this thread. Please please please try to understand that it was not the point . I ran the seasonal last night, and while this was the first year that I ran this seasonal, mentally I did not like the fact my stats where clamped but it did not really hinder the running of the seasonal. I enjoyed it actually, I just had to adjust my rotation and power consumption.
  7. Stamen Dedicated Player

    Practically no one uses the queues anymore BECAUSE the zones are not separated. No one wants to queue into a 60-minute LHSB with a couple of fresh new people with 45 skill points.
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  8. SilverwingsZOE New Player

    I was once,probably twice kicked by lowbies and I wasn't even skipping adds or leaving them dry.He started or at least tried to open the trade with me but I was ignoring everything,he got bored and kicked me

    For more than once I have voted to kick the classic 106+ idiot skipping adds,lowbies didn't voted yes,so I turned my invisibility on and let them deal with the problems that he was causing.

    Help new players?Sure if you don't share my point of view no problems but let's face it:
    I Q for my Arkham's weekly chore
    I have to wait since I don't want to be placed in already started instance of which most people deals with Scarecrow and the Rogues then leaves
    30 minutes a Q pops
    F1 ready
    30 seconds later a player declined
    10 minutes later another one pops
    F1 ready
    Let's start with Freeze so I can see if they are the cat type who goes after any given red dot
    They all turn into cats,I stand in the middle and clear the right path,and help who's close to me while ignoring the other
    10 minutes later Freeze is done
    Ivy's wing FACEPALM
    Scarecrow I need Alice feat...fine
    15 minutes later Arkham is done

    It only takes me 20 minutes probably less if I walk in and deal with it alone,plus my main base is straight above Arkham's Asylum so who cares,next week I'm q'ing once again

    Alice Nightmare
    They all leave...LOL

    a week after

    They all go straight to Scarecrow lowbies (probably 106+ alts) I leave
    I Q once again couple of hours later,all 106 all to Scarecrow,good we clear his wing in no time,they all leave MFW it only takes 6 mins to deal with said wing alone.
    I solo the remaing part of Arkham

    Never Q for it EVER

    Same for Stryker's,now once you are done with the Rogues,Grodd's fight only takes you around 5 minutes why you are leaving?

    Stopped Q'ing for Stryker's

    Ace Chemicals,batch reactor door everyone leaves,storage door it's Duncan,everyone leaves,other door is Babyface everyone leaves

    What's the point?

    Even on Watchtower Containment this was happening,I have noticed many 106+ leaving straight after Ulgo,does he drops something of valuable?I don't know,people was just leaving after him and for that I started to use the teleporter inside the Magic Wing

    T5 alerts,what's happening there?FR and BiA everyone once again turns into a cat,they don't speak,I wait,ask if someone needs any iconic,cover their wings if they are taking green & blues but at one point in Gotham and Metro I started to ignore them and play the game of wait.I grow tired of it,say screw that even if there is a blue weapon with a missing style problably I'm not going to collect/receive it cause all I get from this alerts is green junk,I have my TT back why I have to Q or help lowbies as they are only wasting my time?
    With a good group it only takes 20 minutes,with them around 45 minutes

    Now I Q on ST and MR and we wipe at Star Labs with Scarecrow cause they don't move,and we wipe against Amon Sur as they don't guard or move the containers,then at Henshow fight something stupid happens,even worse at ST and then why I have to Q for it,why in the future I have to rerun them for help new blood but at this time probably "clamped" ?

    Am I an elitist for this?Or just someone that is done with content and doesn't need anything but marks?

    It's the same now for Xmas event two 10 pointers,that's it but instead of nuking him pronto I have to waste 6 minutes cause people likes a challenge and doesn't want to be carried

    Good for them,create a Q system for the Venerians and a separate one for Earth inhabitants
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  9. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    Really? That's how you would sum up what I said? No wonder people get confused and distraught. I said so much more than that, to sum it up in that way in response to this person misrepresents my comments. I'm bowing out on that tangental, speculative topic until it is actually relevant.
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  10. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    He also said that if you wanted to run instances without clamping, you would be able to.

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  11. Crzyrazr Well-Known Player

    I just got caught up reading the rest of the posts and reread Spytle's post and I did not get that from it? In fact I read just the opposite. Please be careful to not twist information around that causes more problems, and goes against discussion purposes.

    Also to the ones doing this, I dislike you very much.
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  12. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    What I find interesting is initially, Jens mentioned walk-ins as the means to avoid clamping. I am not sure if he meant that was the only means at the time, or if they have adapted the stance based on our feedback. Either way, I am glad walk-ins will not be the only means if/when stat banding is implemented. Having multiple options to enjoy the game is usually a good thing.
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  13. hoaxone Committed Player

    Still the same old ranger I'm seeing ...
  14. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I suspect this problem started when he let the cat out of the bag too soon. They knew what they wanted to do, but hadn't figured out how they were going to do it. When the subject of the seasonal clamping came up, Jens threw it out as an aside, this is something we're thinking of doing across the board, and the forums went kablooey. As far as we know, this is a feature we might not see until 2016.
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  15. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    To address the OPs question - why? In doing so I will address a broader audience, not you directly, OP, so please don't take anything as being directed at you. And fair warning, my response is curt in some cases, but it is meant to be frank, not disrespectful. I hope most of you will consider it accordingly.

    The seasonal is being clamped for very logical reasons. I will go over two of the main reasons; one is experiential and the other is systematical.

    First, as I mentioned above, the experience of walking into a seasonal event and having it be over before it begins is not good. These are iconic characters and their impact is diminished when they fall over dead in two shots. Someone who likes tackling the content is cheated out of the experience of enjoying content they only see once a year. Am I saying that you, the reader, are one of those people? No. I'm not here to debate how you feel, so please stay your "I don't give a crap about [insert seasonal event here] i just want my marks." Rather, think about the possibility, and accept the reality, that you are one individual among many, and there are plenty of people that are okay with taking 5 minutes to do a boss fight.

    Second, it comes down to balance, challenge and earning rewards. Recognize that when new rewards are added to the game they are mainly added with a new DLC. The content in this new DLC is always the next level of difficulty for content, meaning it represents a challenge for players to earn it. In other words, it isn't going to be a one shot fest. Your millage may vary on how difficult you think content is at release, but no one can make the case that it is equivalent to a tier 5 player doing a year one seasonal boss fight without clamping. You just can't so don't even try. The seasonals get new things added to them each year, but the task to get them is not scaling, it is getting easier and easier. This is not how we feel new rewards are earned elsewhere in the game. When new pets and styles are added we feel the achievement for getting them should be treated similarly to rewards for a new DLC. In this case, stat clamping is the way we have decided to maintain that parity in the seasonals.

    Finally, in closing, I want to address the notion of pugging. Pugging is pugging. This system is not designed to ruin pugging, nor was letting over geared players stomp this in two hits meant to support pugging. Think of it this way, if no over geared people were in the queue, and it placed a pug in there, they would have to do the content normally. We don't ask the system to match players with lower tier gear with one over-geared player so that you can protect/carry them to victory. It is random. If you don't want to pug it, then don't. Run it with a pre-made. No one in this building thinks that is a terrible consequence or a "punishment" for you. So make your pre-made, take your chance in a pug, either way it is a fair expectation that you should face at least a minimal challenge when seeking new rewards that get added to the game.

    With that I will likely retire form the thread. Busy busy and the year is getting close to ending. Take care and keep it constructive.
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  16. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    It was late and I was on my cell phone so that was the quickest way to give the info.
  17. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    But the info was wrong. Next time your need for brevity leads to inaccuracy, just hold off. You're not doing anyone, including the person you are responding to, any favors. Friendly advice.
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  18. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    Out for reals now. ;)
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  19. ShadowCyborg92 Loyal Player

    Sure. u will be back.
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  20. hoaxone Committed Player

    No baby powder needed.
  21. Prosser Dedicated Player

    Do you read, he said it would be OPTIONAL
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